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USA Transits for: December 5, 2006

This may be a very emotional full moon with
Transiting Venus making a hard square
to our Natal Neptune r.
She forces us to face up to ourselves.
With the Transiting Moon conjunct
our Ascendant and Uranus,
our emotions are unpredictable
and very upseting of the status quo.
This could be a good thing,
but we have to guide the energy
to a productive peaceful conclusion.
Neptune is still conjunct our Natal Moon
making us more sensitive,
leaving us vulnerable and
emotionally disoriented.
But it also trines our 1st House Mars in Gemini.
We are learning as we stumble along
creating havoc and pollution.
We also strive to do good, to be more helpful.
The energy is moving in place
for peaceful resolutions.
Times are changing.
The square from transiting Pluto
is all but over, even though
Venus now assumes that posture.
But very soon, they will both pass
and we can build up the Peace of Nations.
Uranus trines our Sun
and will bring many blessings.
It also sextiles our Part of Fortune,
so that is why I feel the future is promicing
for the USA.
Transiting Jupiter trines our Moon's Node
and that is another indication
that what is coming is blessedness for all.
Transiting Jupiter is also in opposition
to our Gemini Ascendant.
We want to grow and expand in every way.
But Jupiter reminds us to be benevolent
and include others in our sucess.
We especially have to be aware
that Jupiter's force can run over others.
Then all the good we hope to acheive
is tainted and worthless because
we lose credibility as friends when
we lose our sense of humanity
in our thirst for conquest.
Stop and be aware before you injure others.
Peace is the responsibility of every human.
It starts with each one of us knowing
when to take a breath.
It's never too late to say we're sorry.
It's never to late to withdraw when we're wrong.
It is the only right and honorable thing to do.
If we value friendship, Aloha begins in
our own hearts.
Cheer up, shape up and give up
to a new day and be joyful.
As long as there is a Great Spirit
living within you, there is Hope
for a more loving world reality.
Believe in miracles and know,
that consciousness Itself is the
greatest miracle of all.
Have Faith
and a safe Holiday Season
Be one in

USA Transits for:  Nov 5, 2006

Even though change is moving ahead,
we're not satisfied with the pace,
and find ourselves feeling irritable for a few days.
That's because Transiting Mars and the Sun
square our Natal Moon in Aquarius.
With Neptune still clinging to the Moon,
our unstable emotions make us irrational.
But it will all be over soon.
And things are looking good for a few weeks.
Uranus r. trines our Sun, and we
are able to find solutions to issues that
trouble us, in unique and unexpected ways.
The Sun and Mars trine our Natal Sun
and we feel strong and centered,
if not a little heady and fool hardy.
Don't rush into anything.
Just enjoy the rush within
and put it to some positive use.
Don't let it get the best of you.
Transiting Mercury r. and Jupiter trine
our Natal Mercury r., and it is time
to get down to finding the basis
of dillemnas that dog us internationally.
Mercury r. goes deep into the
inner landscape of our thoughts,
and we realize how we actually feel
about issues.  Jupiter expands
this clarity, and that means,
we'll be able to redirect poor intellegence
with understanding and Aloha for all.
We've passed through the roughest times
in the past 6 years.  But the worst
is behind us now, so prepare to
enjoy life again and be happy.

USA Transits for:  June 11, 2006

Tensions are high as the Sun conjuncts
our Natal Mars and the Moon opposes it.
It will pass quickly and other issues
will consume us.
Uranus is now coming into square aspect
with our Natal Mars,
so there are challenges ahead.
As Uranus moves slowly,
these new challenges keep us on our toes.
With Jupiter just starting to square our Moon,
our coolness (Aquarius Moon) is ruffled.
We seek justice and balance.
But it's hard to achieve until we adjust
our hearts and minds to fairness and
sharing of opportunities.
Saturn opposing our Mid Heaven
urges us to be sober and study our actions.
We are entering a new phase of activity now.
Saturn will begin it's climb to the MidHeaven,
and we will find our niche and again,
and purpose.
The future depends upon the foundation
we lay now.  If we repeat the same mistakes
as we did when Saturn opposed our Midheaven
30 years ago, we'll find ourselves deadended.
We'll feel the consequences of our actions
and decisions growing to fruition
over the next 15 years.
So I hope our leaders will be responsible
in their choices.
Saturn and Mars sextile our Ascendant
and Natal Uranus, so this is a period
when discipline, organization and
growth are our paramount concerns.
There are many issues that need special
handling.  How we handle them now,
will be reflected the next time Saturn squares
or opposes our Ascendant.
When we learn, to give love only,
we will know inner peace,
and be able to present it more effectively
to the World.
We shouldn't be afraid to hear other people's
views.  What we should be afraid of,
is our tendency, as Americans,
to expect others to capitulate on their
values and way of thinking
for their own.
We've been terrible bullies and it has to stop.
We have to honor each other
if we want to have peace in this world.
There's no other way.  We share this earth.
We are responsible to each other
for maintaining it well.
Let's not be so full of ourselves,
we forget who we are.
Just human animals, not divine Lords.
Just animals struggling to survive and
even understand how to be happy
and feel free to enjoy living.
But in our own pursuit of happiness,
we must always remember,
to respect the rights and values of others.
Jupiter trines our Sun and we can
accomplish alot by proving our
good naturedness and integrity.
Now is the time to find creative means
of restoring good feelings around the
world towards America.
Every one has to turn over a new leaf
so to speak, sometimes.
Our country is going to pieces
because of neglect and greed.
It's time we really thought about what
we're doing and how we're doing it.
We have to take responsibility
for our actions and hidden agendas.
Americans have been a great people.
Let us strive to be great again,
in the real sense of the word.
Not just boasters and conquerors,
but a people with culture, and vision.
Happy Summer Days to all

Transits for: May 13, 2006

Looks like things are heating up a bit
with transiting Sun and Moon in Taurus
squaring our Moon.
That and the square from transiting Venus
to our Cancer Sun,
stir up emotions and feelings may be bruised.
But these aspects pass very quickly,
so be sure not to let a sharp tonque now
make you sorry later you lost a good friend.
Mars just finished conjuncting our Sun
a few days ago.  We may have
found ourselves over exhuberant
and having the courage to express
our true feelings at that time.
But that was quickly doused by the
square to Saturn that has gone sinister
(beyond the degree).
This is a touchy time.  We have to stiffle
our inspiration and spring bouyancy,
and pay attention when someone
wants to talk about our attitude.
This is reinforced by Venus opposing Saturn.
(Venus is also square
our 8th House Part of Fortune.
If we listen, we will learn something this time.
But we don't have to accept belittlement.
We must also be very careful at this time,
not to belittle others.  We instead,
need to embrace them.
Jupiter trining our Sun makes us willing
to bend and negotiate.
Jupiter squaring our Moon,
increases our emotionalism.
We have to be careful not to be so over confident
of the rightness of our path, that we
short circuit renewed negotiations.
Let the magnanimity of Jupiter
help us to express our extreme concerns,
for the safety and well being of all life
on our planet, in a way that fits in with,
a plan conceived of and arrived at,
by a league of United Nations.
To achieve world peace, we must all cooperate
with each other, and listen without prejudice
and pre-conceived ideas about
how other Peoples should conduct their business.
Not everyone wants to be technologically savvy.
Technology is a drain on the human body.
It's a good thing to get away from all the
electic lines buzzing day and night,
sapping one's natural energy.
We shouldn't be so hyped up about making
everyone in  this world dependant
upon technology.
Let it be already!
We must accept and appreciate,
that not everyone thinks the way we do,
or has the same values.
Yet we can creatively arrange affairs,
so that we "fit" together.
Then we can work together,
with each one, keeping their own identity.
Then there's still the square (gone sinister)
from Uranus to our Ascendant/Uranus conjunction.
Soon Uranus will square our Natal 1st House Mars.
Pluto r in sinister opposition to our Mars
added to that, makes this
a window of uncertainty.
Our beautiful beings have manifested
in the electro-magnetic atmosphere
of our dear Mother Earth.
We hang here, suspended in
directionless space, wondering,
what have I done to be put here?!
Each and every one of us,
has the uncanny talent, of affecting
all other life forms on this planet.
Just by breathing in and out,
the intention of our hearts affects all.
At this time, please be reflective
of your heart's intention,
because that is what keeps us
locked down and ignorantly arrogant,
or...frees us to evolve, to accept Truth.
To love Truth, to be Truth.
Put the bully aside, and bring forth
the true flower of your eternal child's soul.
Don't be afraid they will mock you.
Someday they'll come to see...
if we have  the courage to be.
Now is such a delicate time with the
Uranus, Pluto, Mars configuration.
Please breathe a beautiful intention for us all.
We never can really change anyone.
Only ourselves.
The change must come from within each soul.
Therefore, when you breathe with
a love of peace,
with compassion for the less fortunate,
when that is your vision,
then, as you breathe,
 that energy will be carried on air and ether.
Even so, when we breathe with anger,
that energy is carried forth as well.
Those souls ready to grasp your vision, will.
Then they will decide to change,
in the direction, the life force they've received directs them to.
This is how and why, we are responsible
for our own evolution, and that of the planet.
First we must be willing to breathe the highest, most blessed intention from our hearts.
Our dear Planet will put that energy
to good use.  Will know where to send it.
Have faith.  Everything is not set in concrete.
There are subtleties in our Eternal Nature
we need to realize and depend on
for touching bases with our Universe reality.
If we continue to contort everything into crisis,
and ignore the signs apparent
that lead to resolution,
in an effort to hold out
so we can create an alternative reality
than what actually exists...
we'll just hit a dead end
on our evolutionary path.
The fact is, we snooze, we loose.
The Universe will spit us out.
It just wont need our pitiful puny effort
to expess the great Nature
invested in us anymore.
It has so many other species
just waiting, and struggling to achieve
it's highest moment in evolution.
We've reached a state of apathy.
We feel invincible.
We feel we can by pass certain challenges
to our character.  It's like cheating at checkers.
So you won.  But you lost a sense of self too.
Hallow, empty...confused,  we refuse
to believe in who our Self tells us we are.
We let the homeless whither on the streets
when condos are empty.
We turn our back on each other
to benefit ourselves alone.
And have we any conscience left.
Get straight and don't be late.
We've got a date with Fate.
Have Faith
and be full of Grace.
There is a friend in the Universe that waits,
 Watches us hate and be ungrateful;
Waiting for us to relate
to each other, and be great.
The Time is late.  Don't wait.
Let your greatness out
and be with the Gate.
haha and
Aloha,  Harmony

USA Transits for:  April 13, 2006

 Although Pluto has moved past the orb
for it's opposition to our Natal 1st House Mars,
it has retrograded and will come back into orb
before it goes direct again later this year.
So there is the possibility still of continued
violence at home and abroad.
Neptune is moving on but is still conjunct
our Natal Moon in Aquarius.
We are still in a bit of a fog from the shock
of the past few years.
Neptune trining our Natal Mars,
increases our need to understand the whys
of the dilemma we are trying to resolve
in order to restore world peace.
We're trying, but blinded by illusion.
What is real, what is fantasy.
We've loaded a pipe dream into our brain
and for centuries have been trying to
dominate the whole world with it.
We have to pay special attention now,
to be able to discern the truth correctly.
The truth about our attitude,
the truth about our unwillingness to play fairly.
Unwilling to investigate and embrace
the truth that another's culture is based on,
has catapulted us into a house of mirrors.
We're not in a position to throw rocks anymore.
Now, we learn to be righteous, without attitude.
With Jupiter squaring our Natal Moon,
we may get too full of ourselves,
and overstep the boundry of friendship,
as we have done before.
Please remain steady and reflective
so when called upon, one can be a light,
not one to be feared or resented.
Uranus and Venus in Pisces square
our Ascendant and Natal Uranus.
The changes are upon us, but we respond
with compassion and commit to learning
the Path of Aloha (Brotherly Love).
The square from transiting Uranus and Venus
is balanced out by the trine to our
Natal 2nd House Sun.
The 2nd House is the House of what we value.
Uranus and Venus will teach us kindly
thru this trine.
The Sun and Moon in opposition,
square our Natal Mercury r. in Cancer.
Today we are testy, but the luminaries
will have moved on by tomorrow,
and we may feel less on edge.
The same goes for the squares from the
transiting Sun and Moon to our Natal Pluto r.
The status quo is turned inside out.
But by Easter, we'll be celebrating again.
Chiron transiting at 9 degrees of Aquarius
trines our Ascendant/Uranus.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer of our Zodiac
in our 9th House of knowledge,
opens our hearts to seek deeper for answers.
Chiron also trines our Natal Saturn
exalted in Libra.
We are ready to grow from our experiences.
We are ready to be real, with ourselves,
and others.
Transiting Saturn trines our Asc/Uranus
(though I forgot to put it on the chart)
and we are determined to get it right this time.
Mars conjuncts our Venus and Jupiter.
Perfectly in time for Passover and Easter etc.
Whatever you celebrate,
it will be a chance to share your loving heart
with others.
I hope we all can do that during these strained
times of grim uncertainty.
Dios se Bendigan

USA Transits for:  October 17, 2005

 Well, here we are again at the full moon.
This is the 2nd Harvest Moon called "Hunter's Moon".
It is a time to gather the harvest of this year's Solar Cycle.
This one is very disturbing because of the many squares.
I'm not a pessimist and always look for ways
to improve conditions and "environments".
Many of the same aspects that we had on Sept 11th
are still operating.  It has really been devastating,
and I'm afraid it's not over yet.
One good thing is that Jupiter is finally moving on.
It has been square our Natal Mercury r. (in Cancer)
for some time now and at the same time,
squaring our Natal Pluto r. (in Capricorn).
At 28 degrees it is now in Sinister square to these planets
Mercury r. and Pluto r.
We've had a chip on our shoulder, and with good cause.
We have sought violent means to justify our position.
That is Pluto, the chip on the shoulder is Mercury.
Now at the end of this "persecution" by Jupiter
(who always increases potential in whatever direction
the soul is reaching toward)
the other shoe falling (final coup) is probable.
That could be another attack on the United States,
or it could be another natural disaster.
I'm hoping not, but we need to prepare ourselves
mentally, emotionally and spiritually
for unseen events that may occur.
It's a time to be brave and loving and full of faith.
We need to pray for each.
Not just for Americans, but for everyone,
even the little worms that suffer from the bombings;
even the little birdies whose nests are knocked off
the bough by escalating violence;
even our little children, who can't fathom why
adults are so mean to each other.
The Sun and Jupiter transiting, are conjunct, so
it is a double square to Mercury r. and Pluto r.
that we are going thru at this time.
Fortunately, the Sun will move beyond the degree of aspect
quickly, less than a week from now.
But during this week, stay focused on God's Names
within your heart, that you believe in,
and cover all beings with those Names that you adhere to.
This will help greatly in the outcome of any catastrophy.
As the Sun and Moon are in opposition during the Full Moon,
the Moon in Aries also squares Mercury r. and Pluto r.
creating the Grand Square (red lines).
The Moon rules emotions, and they may run out of control
at this time.  We may see people crumbling emotionally
and seeking revenge and more hurtfulness.
Lift them up out of dispair, with your secret prayers.
Uranus r., the planet of unpredictability and genius
is still squaring our Ascendant and Natal Uranus.
More tornados, more rain, more destruction.
But it will pass and some of us will survive this time
and become better humans beings for it.
If humans wont stop killing each other,
then a Great Power, who designs and maintains
our beautiful Earth and bodies will have to intervene
before we destroy all life on this planet.
We may have gone too far already by
creating an imbalance in the ozone environment.
But there may still be time to reverse this condition.
Uranus r. trines our Natal Sun, Jupiter and Venus.
Although making fundamental changes to our way of life
is taxing and very upsetting,  it can also be
an exciting and creative experience
if we reach for the highest goal.
To do that, we have to be very honest with ourselves,
and see the path our ancestors put us on.
We are being called out now by Nature Itself
to get over our prejudices and weak characters.
We have to write a new text for our heart's intention,
and learn to live by it joyfully.
Begin studying disciplines that will allow us to develop
and grow as human beings, not puffed up rulers of the World.
Sometimes, we find that nutrition plays a major role
in our ability to understand complex situations.
Minerally difficient bodies, produce mentally deficient minds.
So boost your nutritional regime sensibly, and with knowledge.  Study Nutrition for the best results
and apply what you learn to your lifestyle.
Uranus r. trine our Natal Jupiter can be considered
a very lucky aspect.  It is certainly benificial
and protects us from complete failure.
New areas of thought open us new vistas of understanding.
Sogyal Rinpoche, in his masterful work,
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying,
advizes us, that the whole path of material existance,
is for the purpose of helping us to be more compassionate.
That's it in a nutshell.  That is the reason we're here,
learning the basics of what Being is about.
The journey is about learning compassion.
If we can't learn it this lifetime, then maybe we will next time.
But it is so important to learn this lesson of being
a loving person, not just when it benefits us,
but especially, when it doesn't.
This transit represents an enormous opportunity
to broaden ourselves so that when we encounter obstacles,
we can give Love Only.
The trine of Uranus r. to our Natal Venus,
assists us in reaching that goal of giving love only.
Also assisting us, Mars r. in Taurus sextiles
our Natal Mercury r., giving vitality to our mental processes,
helping us to use our intellect in a more penetrating manner.
The deeper we are able to go within our own psyche,
the more we find out about ourselves and even others.
Then we can evaluate with more clarity, the issues
that need attention and modification.
Mars r. also trines our Natal Neptune r. in Virgo.
Here Neptune r. represents technology and nuclear weapons.
We can take what we learn from introspection,
and apply it to how we use technology
and weapons of mass destruction.
When we're blinded by ego, there is no way to reason
with ourselves.   Mars' ego dissolves in the
Neptunian atmosphere, humbling us to be more compassionate and reasonable.
Transiting Mercury at 13 degrees of Scorpio
squares our Mid-Heaven and Natal Moon in Aquarius.
This is the cusp of the 10th House.
The 10th House rules prestige, honor and standing in society.
Mercury squaring these gives us a change to
renegotiate our position and communicate clearly.
However, Mercury in Scorpio is quick and powerful,
and can be reluctant to 'give in' and compromise.
Often over critical , the Mercury in Scorpio (ego personified)
must watch the tendency to be over critical.
Here we have to regenerate the mind stuff where
creative functioning is concerned.
Too much emphasis on gratification,
blurs the clarity of the mind.
Mercury square the Moon is very emotional,
and we may find our leaders insulting our intelligence
when they deliberate with foreign leaders
for this reason.  Too heady, too inflexible.
Watch out for psychological patterns
deeply imbedded in the American consciousness,
reactivating inappropriate habits of speech
and patterns of thinking as well as other forms of behavior
that run counter to our needs and intentions.
Examine the attitudes inherited from our ancestors,
who created this country,
and ask yourself, "Have I experienced the truth of this
point of view directly, or is it a dogma I was taught
to believe in childhood?"
It is impossible to root our every belief that makes up
one's prejudices, but we have to make more effort
at doing this, and this is a very good time to do so.
Mercury travels quickly and by next week
will have moved past the squares to the M.C. and Moon.
So do your inner work now while Mercury is
facilitating communications.
Though we are very clear about our objectives,
and are willing to let others know exactly where we stand,
we still have to be willing to hear other points of view...
and take them to heart!
Let's not be so caught up in our own cleverness,
that we cannot see the intellegence of others.
We need to really listen.
Otherwise, this transit will be characterized by
verbal disagreements and disputes.
If we do listen and move toward restoring communication,
then only, can we really be effective in
creating Peace on this wonderful Planet Earth.
Saturn (10 degrees of Leo) opposes our Mid-Heaven (M.C.)
and Natal Moon in Aquarius putting us in
a sober, even depressive state (Moon) making
our relationships (especially with the Female Goddess energy)
very difficult. we may feel alienated and alone.
Alienation crises' occur when we discover
that we may have gone too far, too fast,
in the pursuit of avenging ourselves from the 9/11 tragedy.
We jumped over the fence, and landed on our own weapons.
Now Saturn in opposition to our M.C. is an important
and critical turning point in our evolution as world leaders.
We have to pay close attention to what we're doing,
and make sure that we don't injure others wrongly.
Very soon, Saturn will enter our 4th House of Home and Self.
Any problems that we don't clear up now, will be the source
of most of our problems for the next 14 years.
Any factors at work here will oppose our successful acheivements later.  This is a time of new beginnings
as Saturn begins the ascent thru the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th,
9th and 10th House cusps.
Saturn, if we work with him, assures achievement
and possibly success.
Okay, so Pluto transiting our 7th House of Relationships,
still squares Neptune r. and is in sinister opposition
to our Natal 1st House Mars.
I've defined these aspects now many times over the past
few years.  Pluto demands regeneration or death.
But it's almost over.  Pluto is moving out of aspect soon
and hopefully we'll be able to lay our weapons down,
and celebrate a long and productive period of
national security and
and peacefulness in this old World.
Neptune r. conjuncts our M.C. and Natal Moon
blurring the line between fact and fantasy.
The effect of this transit is to greatly increase our sensitivity
to the world around us.  It is a psychic transit,
and can disarm our emotional and mental base.,
causing us to become confused about what we're
really doing here and in the world.
We can become so facinated by an idea or an ideal,
that we can no longer see clearly what the issues are.
Our Natal Saturn thru the trine of Transiting Neptune r.
helps us stabilize mind and emotion,
but not without some real effort on our part.
Staying grounded on what is real
is the challenge of this transit.
Hope this reading helps you all out there.
Find a quiet space to relax and review your heart's intention.
And thanks for all the donations to victims of Katrina
that you have so generously and lovingly donated.
God bless the homeless and the hungry,
the disabled, the elderly, the incarcerated
and even our World Leaders,
who devote their time to making a path of Peace
for all of us to follow.

USA Transits for:  June 25, 2006

Although tensions are easing in one direction,
they seem to be increasing in another now,
with Jupiter r. square our Mid Heaven and Moon,
and a Saturn/Mars conjunction squaring
Gemini Ascendant/Uranus.
With the Jupiter r. square we have a sense
of renewed confidence and want to concern
ourselves with justice, but also there is a
hint of ambition in what we do.
We want to overcome previous limitations,
but we must still continue to pay close
attention to the details, and not rush
ahead unprepared for the consequences.
Although our intention is good,
rash behavior can spoil our endeavors.
Saturn square our Ascendant/Uranus
calls us to task on all unfinished business.
We may been working steadily,
only to find ourselves
wanting desperately to break away
in order to resolve issues still needing results.
We may find that a change of course
is better, though it may be unprescedented.
If we need to change, we need to do it now,
before Saturn begins it's path toward
the 7th House of Partnerships,
because then the course is already plotted
and it will be difficult to make changes
at that time.
The Saturn square the Ascendant provides
a last opportunity to re-evaluate our course then, and modify it if need be, so as a Nation,
we can continue to adhere to a poicy of
common decency and fair play which
we have seen violatated in modern times.
We decide this as a Nation by
writing our Congressmen and Senators...
and voting.  Confidence can be restored.
With Mars squaring our Ascendant also,
attitude may become a problem.
People are fed up and say things
they don't really mean and hurt each other.
I too have felt the sting of my own words
that hurt too much...we all feel the frustration.
Soon Mars will move on to square itself
in our 1st House.  The griddle is hot,
and we have to work hard to be reasonable
in the moment.  Sorry isn't always enough.
The good news is that Neptune trines our
1st House Mars, tempering the volatile
agitation we feel from fear and bereaving,
with understanding, compassion and faith.
Jupiter r. trines our Sun, restoring
an optomistic generousity,
and we find, we can cope after all.
It's true, that human beings
just want to be happy.
Mercury in opposition to Pluto r.
guides our understanding
to make the transformation.
As Mercury passes very quickly,
allow yourself to submit to reflection,
because the portal will quickly close,
and insight could slip away.
Aware in the moment, quietly guiding
the mind to heart's alter,
gathering strength and character...
Let the light shine from within.
Dream of Peace that is won
by patience, love and understanding,
not force and dessimation of the earth.
Dream of Peace,
and let the Light shine
from within.

USA Transits for: May 27, 2006

We're finally getting a little break from the
past few year's intensity.
The only square we have right now
is short lived by Venus moving onward
past the square to Pluto r.
Minor emotional flareups can catch us off guard.
Neptune trining our 1st House Mars in Gemini,
has a cooling effect on otherwise
loquasious Mars.
One contemplates now after so much anxiety.
Mercury trining our Moon in Aquarius
aids in this cooling down reflective period.
Mercury moves quickly, so when the impulse
arrives, pay attention to any insight
it may help impart while it remains in aspect.
  Mercury trining our 5th House Saturn,
gives a creativity and inventiveness.
A good way to channel any residue uncertainty.
 Mars conjuncts our Mercury r. in Cancer,
giving further opportunity for us as a Nation
to think our actions thru more carefully.
Mars can get Mercury too upset,
but with Mars in opposition to our Natal Pluto r.,
the mind journeying inward to transformation
is more likely.  This is a good time for us,
to recover our senses.  To know what it is
we actually believe in, and to stand
our ground on those principles.
Mars imparts courage to break through barriers.
Jupiter r. in Scorpio is trine our 2nd House Sun
(the house of values),
inspiring justice and good will.
It benefits healthwise, expanding protection.
Jupiter r. in Scorpio goes deeper than that though.
It flushes out impurities, so issues
can be resolved lawfully and in
a spirit of benevolence.
Saturn conjunct our Natal Moon's Node,
sextiles our Ascendant.
This is a good time for negotiations
toward peace and for expanding
the worldwide network that helps provide
stability for ailing Nations.
Maybe we could even see someday,
a world without borders.
Borders are a place to welcome neighbors,
not reject and murder them.
That's my Banana Patch Fantasy.
Jupiter is also sextile our 8th House
Part of Fortune,
adding protection that benefits our Nation.
Still, we must strive to do the right thing.
We have to know the difference
between integrity and hypocrisy.
Now is a time of refection.
It wont last long.  Very soon Uranus
will square our 1st House Mars.
When Mars becomes unpredictable,
seeking expediancy and gratification,
we have chaos brewing.
When Uranus squared our Ascendant
last year, we had homeland natural disasters.
Now coming into square with Mars,
we have to remember what Neptune
is advizing at this time,
(to subdue ego for reason and compassion' sake)
and be ready for the next round
of Western Civilization's quest to subdue Nature
and all things that live.
To have dominion.  Isn't that
what the fight is about?
It seems a waste of Earth's precious gifts.
Listen for the silent voice within.
When it speaks, it counsels well.
We cannot own the Earth, nor can we subdue it.
We have to listen for the Voice
that guides to know what is in the best interest
of all.  That includes the Environment.
If we just learned to share and care for one another
better, we would have better relations.
People start wars because they're suffering.
We need to listen to their suffering and help
relieve it with generousity and opportunity.
We do want World Peace don't we?!
Well come on then!.  Now is not the time to waver.
Each one of us must stand for Peace in our own
lives.  That is what will bring Peace.
I'm a good one to talk.  How do we forget
the injuries other's have inflicted on us
so thoughtlessly and cruelly.
I just keep trying.  I don't go back for more though
I know that.  I avoid my enemies and pray
they live long enough to reach enlightenment.
If I can give them opportunity, I do.
The Universe hears our prayers and
is close at hand when we reach for that Friend
that stands waiting to serve the living being.
Everything is so endowed with consciousness.
It is no accident that God is spoken of.
Some have waited by the river long enough
to meet the Friend, and share the Grace.
It's there for each and every one of us.
Go inside, and sit and find the One
that will comfort your heart and soul and mind.
This is what will restore our latent
Paradice Consciousness again.
And when restored, it is That, that negotiates
Peace, without word or instruction.
For the People will move as One.
Do your homework now,
so when Uranus moves to square Mars
(with Pluto r. in sinister opposition to Mars also)
we'll be ready as a Nation to move toward
compromice and peace by casting
our ballot for leaders who are conscientious
and mature.  Democracy only works,
if we vote.  But we can't count on our politcians
to create peace.  We have to create it ourselves
in our daily lives.  And I know how hard that is.
Good Luck & Aloha,

USA Transits for: April 28, 2006

 We seem to be moving into a more mellow time.
We're tired of fighting and have learned
not to trust in our leadership.
Jupter r. squares our Mid Heaven and Moon.
We are indignant witnesses of abuses
commited under the name of the
USA & Democracy.
We rize as one to banish the cowards
and delinquents in our government.
Democracy is a very good thing for all,
when the leadership is inspired and broad minded.
Then there's a square to our Moon's Node
in Leo, the proud and impetuous ruler.
It moves out of aspect before May 1st.
Just a reminder, that pride and ruthlessness,
are a dead end to any negotiations.
America sincerely wants to help everyone,
but gets locked up in paperwork and
an apathetic attitude, which
 helps very few in a timely manner.
And as we all know from experience,
timing is everything.
With transiting Mars conjunct our Sun,
we feel a sudden burst of energy
to rectify long as we don't
become bullies in the process.
Venus lovingly opposes our natal Neptune r.
In America's natal chart, this 5th House Neptune
in Virgo, sympolizes nuclear weapons.
Since 2001 transiting Pluto in Saggitarius
was squaring our natal Neptune.
But now it has moved past.
Thru retrograde it will only go back to 24 degrees,
but then and even now, Pluto is in sinister square
to our natal Neptune.
We are still in a danger field,
of fear and suspense, ready to fight some more.
As a civilzed nation, why have we lost faith
in negotiations? 
When people get down to really negotiate,
they have to be ready to compromize.
We are only contributing to more bad feelings
on this beautiful planet,
when we should be so grateful to be alive,
and help others to have security and opportunity.
Then we can create a lasting peace.
If only we can distinquish between
self-righteousness emotionalism and
real understanding and cooperation.
Transiting Neptune trines our 1st House Mars,
giving our ego a chance to calm down
and reflect on it's purpose.
History has had enough conquerors.
All the grief and pain that has caused.
We're grown up now.
Now we know...
we are all the same, just human beings,
just half-dumb animals
groping along and speculating from our
limited perspective.
Uranus trines our Sun, and we are
eager for change, we want to grow
as human beings.  We want to understand.
We learn to break out of old habits
that have been damaging our bodies and psyche.
If we can make the necessary changes now,
life will blossom and make fruit.
If we hold on to corrupt means of accomplishing
our goals, the window of opportunity will close,
and our goals will seem farther away than ever.
Instead of rizing to meet the challenge,
by hanging back too long indecisively,
our lives could plummet and fall into decay.
Maintanence and repair is just as important
as the building.
As we age, we become minerally difficient
if we haven't prepared
and maintained a sound nutritional regime. 
In time our bodies die from it.
Now we're doing the same to our precious earth.
We are removing the minerals from it.
If our bodies can't live when we can no longer
absorb minerals, then how can the earth
survive without minerals?
We're killing our planet, not just the environment
above ground and in the air.
The earth is dying because we are
abusing the privlege and turning everything
to lead with our hideous wars ETC...
Please make a stand for Mother Earth.
Don't let them keep making wars.
We have to make them stop.
But how?
By example.  By being true to what you
believe in, and having the courage
to let it be known, as nicely as you know how.
Right about now, the whole world
is ready for a little kindness.
Then transiting Venus trines
our natal Mercury r.
It looks like the perfect atmosphere
to negotiate.  We're fed up and willing
to listen better to another point of view.
We can connect emotionally and mentally
now with what we feared so much before.
There are so many other good aspects
at this time encouraging us
to make peace with all,
to be fair, to not strike pre-emptively,
but to respect the sovereignty of others.
So many aspects that indicate
harmonious conditions are probable,
as long as we're willing to cultivate
the opportunities for the benefit
of all life on this planet.

USA Transits for: March 29, 2006

With Neptune and Venus just past conjuncton
with our Natal Moon in Aquarius,
we're still disoriented and emotional. 
But now all that is passing soon.
Neptune and Venus trine our Natal Mars
in our first house of self,
boosts our sense of patriotic idealism.
We're still ready to fight for what we believe in.
However, with Neptune,
we may find we've been misguided.
Jupiter r. in our 6th House of Health and Service,
encourages generousity and magnanimity,
and we feel a healing coming.
In Scorpio, it now squares our Natal Moon
and our emotions overwhelm us.
We seek social and individual justice,
outraged and over emotional...
we march.  We want our voices to be heard.
In fact, any cause now will stir us to action.
Anything to relieve the pressure
before the National Pot boils over
into riots.
Jupiter inconjunct our 1st House Mars
assures demonstrations and protests
at this time.  And we see them.
Pluto r. at almost 27 degrees of Saggitarius
has past the degree of opposition to our
Natal Mars, but it just turned retrograde.
It will only go to 24 degrees, but that will
be within orb in sinister opposition.
It is at that time
(Saturn goes direct Sept 5, 2006 at 24 degrees)
 that a whip lash effect can happen. 
 Keep your meditation, and pray for peace.
America needs protection at this time.
The best protection though,
is communication, compromise
and genuine affection for each other's culture.
War is unnecessary in a civilized universe.
Because Neptune has so obliterated
the horizon line, we feel befuddled now
for a few years.  About 4, since Neptune
conjuncted the Moon,
and Pluto went into opposition with our Mars.
But these aspects are almost past now.
We can look forward to less stress,
and more appreciation of
each other and our beautiful world.
Transiting Mars just conjuncted our Natal
First House Mars in Gemini,
and at the same time, squares our Natal
Neptune in the 5th House.
Also, Transiting Pluto r. is in sinister square
to our Natal Neptune r.
This configuration is called a T-Square,
and is a challenge to keep a cool head.
Nature itself is testing our resolve
to be peaceful and kind.
We may have a few more big blunders ahead
though, because we still seem intent
on aggravating everything we touch.
It's a hard time for us, like a deer in the headlights, we don't know which way to turn.
We have a fortunate aspect in a trine
from Transiting Uranus and Mercury r.
to our Natal Sun in Cancer.
Whatever does happen, will be for the
benefit of all, and that is how it should be.
Mercury is r. now, so it's a good time to stop
and reflect deeper on what we really
believe in, and how we really feel about things.
That is what we must stand up for then.
But first, we have to know where we stand
on issues as individual human beings.
Each one of us is creating an atmosphere
in America. 
We're in a tough spot now between
North Korea and Iran.
We have to be very careful to tread
with respect and not on people's feelings.
We can't control everything.
We have to allow other countries
to use their own intellegent means
of working out their problems.
We have problems enough of our own at home.
So many issues need resolving.
We have to stop fixing the world,
and fix our own country now.
Saturn r. is still conjunct the Moon's N. Node
and opposes the Mid Heaven.
Let's get serious!  Saturn doesn't play games.
We have to pay closer attention to what
we're doing around the world and at home.
Saturn is entering a phase in our evolution
that will have consequences in years to come
and it all depends on how we handle
issues and our actions, now.
The future depends on the foundation
we lay now.
As Saturn by transit will now begin it's
ascent to the Noon Hour in the years to come
(Mid Heaven is Noon Hour)
we will experience an increase in whatever
course we are now setting.
Hopefully by the time Saturn arrives
at 22 degrees of our Natal Neptune r.,
we will have gained true respect for life,
and weapons of mass destruction,
along with prisions and homelessness,
will only be things of the past;
will be lessons learned for the good of all.
Peace and Harmony
to all

USA Transits for:  Oct 2, 2005

Uranus r. still squares our Ascendant and Natal Uranus.
This creates an atmosphere of unpredictablility
and possibility of ongoing crisises.
We have to be strong.
We have to renovate our selves.
Jupiter squares our Natal Pluto and there is a chance
of escalating need for change.
Change from within, changing one's insufferable attitudes
about other people and their needs and rights.
We must learn to give respect to all that lives
and to protect each other
from meanness, cruelty, vengence and the like.
We need a purification.
If we're unwilling and continue to persue fossil fuels
because we think we're above sanction,
our world environment will continue to deteriorate.
No one is above Nature's sanction.
Fossil fuels are contributing to global warming,
and we must make more effort to come up with
more efficient use of fuels,
and especially wind and solar energy.
We have to give up oil and gasoline.
Or none of us will survive Nature's unbalanced wrath.
Transiting Pluto is in sinister opposition to our
Natal 1st House Mars in Gemini.
This aspect combined with the transiting Pluto
squaring our Natal Neptune r.
creates the perfect environment for continuing
to go to war with our neighbors.
Transiting Saturn at 9 degrees of Leo
is in opposition to our Mid-Heaven and Moon.
With transiting Neptune conjunct the Moon and Mid-Heaven,
we find ourselves in a bit of confusion
as Neptune has a way of deluding us into fooling ourselves.
Saturn stabilizes our mind and emotions,
as long as we have a method of recovery.
Resolve to improve the individual
and the Nation will mature.
We need more understanding.
We're a young country.
We don't have a long history,
and it is plain to see that we need more time
to catch up with Ancient Peoples....
the very ones we persecute
with our technology and way of life.
American rudeness and insensitivity
must dissolve into compassionate understanding.
We talk a good talk, but in the clinches
our rhetoric breaks down, and the real motive is obvious
to everyone that has a brain left
(after doing drugs which destroy brain tissue).
The real problem may be that we're a country
run by derilects and greedy grabbers.
Ask any Native America what they think.
Have the guts to be real with yourself first.
Learn how to become a real friend.
Mercury squaring our Natal Mercury
is quick moving and will not last,
but for as long as it does (2 days)
we are even fighting within ourselves
to understand the magnitude of the catastrophy
we are experiencing in our world at this time.
The Sun and Moon squaring our Natal Sun
make us tense and even a bit arrogant.
It too will pass in 2 days.
Sun and Moon also square our 8th House
Part of Fortune.
It's important for us to learn from our lessons,
and restrain ourselves from continuing to persue
projects that are purely for our own profit
without considering the disasterous effects
it may have on everyone else
sharing this precious planet we call Home.
Jupiter also squares our Natal Sun in Cancer,
inspiring us to accomplish the good we idealize,
and gives us the momentum to implement it,
to everyone's benefit.
Although we have alot of adjusting and growing to do
we have the protection of many trines:
Venus trines our Natal Mercury r.
softening our emotions and elevating them to the highest.
Neptune r. still trines Saturn helping us to
be more discerning and disciplined.
Mars in Taurus in our 12th House trines
our Natal Pluto in the 10th House.
This benefits us very much because
although Mars in Taurus may make us more stubborn.,
in trine relationship to Pluto r.,
we would rather be constructive and pliable
than fight.
We'll be recovering from tragedy soon.
I'm sorry if any one reading this has lost their family
or their home.
We wish you all the best and hope you never
have to go thru this again.
God bless everyone
good luck!

USA TRANSITS, Sept 11, 2002

USA NATAL CHART, Aspects with Discussion/Explanation




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