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I am offering these pages on World Religions because I always am inspired by
the wise words of advise I receive from them.  I am by no means a scholar of
religions,  only a student. and a devotee of a very good God that has many
names and faces;  eats many different kinds of foods;  practices many
different ways of worship
It all comes down to (for me), am I a considerate or a hurtful person, to myself
and others;  am I ungrateful and arrogant, or do I realize my blessings, and
leave my heart open for loving understanding and learning life's lessons?
Although I am a devoted Catholic, I am also a life long studen of many
other religions.  So I'm including my favorite stuff here.
It doesn't matter to me what God is called.
God is God!
My God infuses me with an understanding
beyond my animal nature.
Teaches me to distill and discern
what "Their" Great Nature really means.
It's not about power or showiness.
It's so simple.
It's just honest.
It's just caring.  Always fair and patient
our Creators have our best in mind.
Look at the world created for us.
We need to pay attention
so we know what the Universe expects of us,
as living beings.  As beloved individuals.
I know, in this mundane world so frightning,
we fear losing our bodies
(thinking that means our life).
But it is more frightning to me,
to become soulless and without conscience.
It's a soul we're growing here,
not empires
Empires fade, but that character that we build
with our lives on earth, will be with us
for a long long time.
We will have to carry the mess around with us;
where ever we goes.
We can always change for the better.
It helps others when we send them good wishes.
We need others to do that for us too.
Caring for each other appropriately,
protecting each other's virtue as well as survival
is true friendship,
and that, is what makes all the magic in the Universe
work, not just for you,
but for us all.
I hope you too will enjoy and be refreshed by the entries that are made here,
and you are welcome to contribute your own favorites for our benefit.  Just
email your selection, and a description (what book and where, or who said
what, when etc.), so we can catagorize it for easy access.
The pages are still mostly empty,  but I am adding something every few days
or so.  Just click on the link below to send me a line or two.
Aloha and Mahalo for your Kokua.......Harmony

Click here to send e-mail message:

                          Father Norman Antonio and His Adopted Children
                                Santa Maria Orphanage,       Colon, Mexico
                                                      Christmas, 2002


To read about Judy on the Road, click this link: ON THE ROAD WITH JUDY

To read the children of Santa Maria's letters,
           click on the link below:









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