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Mahalo Rug


  Mahalo is the word Hawaiians use to express gratitude.
Weaving this rug gave me a new understanding of thankfulness.
Now I will give you the legend of this "Mahalo" prayer rug:

The footing is red. It represents the molten earth. Above

it there's a purple line. That's the mantle of the earth. It's

being cooled by the shining big sea waters that fell from

the lightning rain. The shape of the water implies the


Above the water are three tail feathers representing

Patience, Faith and Mercy. They're the pregnant

Thunderbird's tailfeathers. Beneath her outstretched

wings are the Sun and the Moon. She nurtures them

and helps them maintain their ancient trails thru space.

Her heart is bursting with gratitude, and she raises her

heart in Thanksgiving, that she is able to perform her

mystical duty properly.

Above the aspirations of the mother Thunderbird, the

vibration of MAHALO bursts like a fountain. As it reaches

the letter ("O"), the Self falls prostrate before the
ancient glyph representing the Creator.
Cradling it within it's arms, the

created being prays,
worshiping the Great Spirit thru the

precious Om symbol of the Hindu Sanskrit scriptures.

Above the ancient Name, the All Seeing Eye watches Itself

thru It's manifest universe and life forms. It watches and

allows It's Perfect Nature to reflect, for us to see and know

what It's Nature is evolving to become.

Above the All Seeing Eye and Lightning Rain,

an orange-yellow line represents the entrance into the

Sun Planet.

We enter into the Sun honoring the beloved Creator and

Sustainer of all life. The yellow fades into the white hot

interior where we see the Watchers eyes penetrating thru

the glare of the Sun.

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva record our passage thru

Earth Time, and evaluate our heart's intention. They give

us these two Mantras:

God bless everyone, everywhere, always.

God bless us, each and every one.

The above is a drawing of a prayer rug I made last year.
I'm unable to use my picture gallery and therefore
can no longer upload pictures or photos.
This rug goes above the Om glyph
and into the Sun Planet which doesn't show on the drawing.
I made the drawing while designing the rug
to check the colors. 
There is some descrepencies in the colors shown
in the drawing with the actual weaving.
But it's close enough.

The above is a drawing of a prayer rug I made last year.
I'm unable to use my picture gallery and therefore
can no longer upload pictures or photos.
This rug goes above the Om glyph
and into the Sun Planet which doesn't show on the drawing.
I made the drawing while designing the rug
to check the colors. 
There is some descrepencies in the colors shown
in the drawing with the actual weaving.
But it's close enough.


I've finished the rug and tried several times to upload the  photo to my website here, but it's not going thru yet.  I'll try again by and by.
Soon I'll tell you the effect of weaving the rugs does..for me.

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