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USA New Moon Transits for: Sept 3, 2005


This New Moon, although the constant threat of
War and Nature looms on all fronts,
we feel we can still overcome the odds.
A grand trine forms between Neptune r. and our Natal Saturn;
Neptune r. and our Natal Mars; and a conjunction
of transiting Venus & Jupiter to our Natal Mars.
And we certainly can overcome great odds now.
Jupiter trining our Mars gives us added vitality
and an optimistic attitude.
Neptune r. trine our Mars, humbles us a bit,
and we get a more wholistic view that is much needed
in any negotiations we will be having.
Neptune r. trining our Saturn, helps us stabize
and focus.  That isn't easy right now
with Neptune conjunct the moon.
Reality and Fantasy intertwine
causing our judgement to become skewed under pressure.
Faith and our National Good Will
will protect and guide our hearts
so we can persevere and come to understand better,
the causes for disharmony and imbalance
in  our personal and worldly affairs.
We still have to pay attention though, not to cause more strife.
Pluto is still squaring our natal Neptune r
and opposing our natal Mars.
We're still testy over 9/11.
Revenge only brings more grief, even in dreams,
the repercussions of vibrations affect everyone.
Forgiveness and understanding are the paths set up for us.
Jupiter and Venus trine our natal Moon
and we have big dreams to fulfill still.
Our dreams must include others.
The way to Peace on Earth is easy.
We just have to share opportunities with others
and make sure their standard of living is equal to ours.
We can no longer exploit 3rd World Countries
and have scandalous profits.
Balance should be our motto.
If our heart's intention is well placed,
then Peace is a given.
Jupiter and Venus trine our Moon, get us in the "mood"
to compromice for Justice's sake.
Venus beguiles us with passion and
we "feel" each other's pain.
We don't relinquish the painful memories easily though.
Mars square our Moon renews our lust for conquest.
It is fleeting.  Don't give in to it.
The decisions we make now are
 more important now than we thnk.
Hot headness can ruin a countries reputation.
Uranus r. squares our Ascendant and Uranus.
Thel unthinkable could happen, if we encourage it.
Be steady.  Evaluate your heart.
Remember who you are, and who you want to be.
Don't let the fantasy run away with you.
The goal is Peace on Earth,
Good Will to all.
We can put on any mask and join the parade,
but it will do no good in the end to be two faced.
Parade about in your own face, your true face.
The face that shows your heart's intention.
It is fortunate that, at this time,
Uranus also trines our (Venus), Jupiter and Sun.
This trine is like an insurance policy,
for it offsets the negative inclination to disrupt,
that Uranus square our Asc and natal Uranus
would encourage.
The trine formats our responses to give our finest.
And this could be our finest hour as a Naton
coming up.
America has come up with so many wonderful ideas
that have revolutionized the world.
This is one of those times, when we can prove
the value of our way of life
without causing apprehension or skepticism.
To accomplish this we need to know
where freedom and liberty
divide from abuse and license (to be perverse).
America, we need to clean up our act in more ways than one.
We need to regain the real respect of the world,
not just suedo insincere cooperation
from neighbors who are afraid of us,
and/or who despise our liberalism.
Although I forgot to put in the sextile aspect between
Uranus r and our Part of Fortune,
I just want to add it now, and say
Uranus sextiling our Part of Fortune
is a good sign that we are up to the transformation
we're in the midst of now.
This is very encouraging, for with the trine
between Uranus and our (Venus) Jupiter and Sun,
we are likely to suceed in whatever path we choose.
So I hope we can come up with a very good solution soon.
We have a lot of protection at this time
against the seen and unseen forces.
Give love.  Give respect.
Let the day pass and listen...listen...listen.
We're all praying for each other to rize up respectfully,
with gratitude for life and for this planet.
But especially for each other.
We love each other.
We will overcome our negativity and weak character.
We can maintain human life on this planet
by praying for each other.
And of course, I wish you all well.

USA Transits for:  August 4, 2005


We feel like we're in a bit of a rut now.
We've been living in fear for a long time.
We're tired and confused.
We live and let live in America.
But it tries our intellegence to figure out all
the delicate matters of governing in a way
that benefits all.  We do pretty good.
No one is perfect.
Thanks to God, the planets move,
and we also can move out of ruts.
The same outer planets are still making those difficult aspects
we've been writing about since Sept 11th.
Neptune r. is still conjunct our Moon and Midheaven.
Now Saturn, the Sun, Moon and Mercury
oppose the Moon and Midheaven.
The Sun, Moon and Mercury will pass quickly,
and we'll feel re-energized.
Saturn however, will take it's time.
Mercury went retrograde on July 24th,
making us delve deeper to find answers.
It goes direct on August 13th,
when we'll want to employ what we've learned
during the retrograde.
Saturn is conjuncting our Moon's North Node in Leo.
8 degrees is critical.  That is where our Node is.
Leo is very demonstrative and flamboyant.
This is how we like to approach issues.
Saturn will help steady our nerves and mind
as it moves across the midnight of our chart.
These are dark days, but they will pass.
Saturn is about to begin it's ascent to the Midheaven
which will take at least 16 years.
In that time we will see the effects
of the decisions we make now.
All our plans will culminate then, and we'll have to live with it.
Saturn opposing our Moon, can take the fun out of life
unless we learn to think out of the box.
Saturn puts us in a box, and keeps strict control over us.
But there are aspects that can release and direct
the intensity and frustration to another level of bliss.
Saturn sextiling our Ascendant and Natal Uranus
prove that a turn around is very possible now.
This though is a trying time with Uranus square
our Ascendant and Natal Uranus.
Life is unpredictable enough without this complication.
As Uranus trines the Sun, whatever happens
will be of benefit to Americans.
Pluto r. still opposes our Natal Mars,
making more violence predictable.
Pluto r. also squares our Natal Neptune r.
so weapons of mass destruction are still a possibility.
Jupiter conjuncts Saturn, and it seems like
the train will never leave the station.
With Jupiter squaring our Sun,
we get upset enough about it, to do something,
maybe try another method of negotiating;
concentrate more on healing the sick,
and taking better care of our planet Earth.
Jupiter also squares our 8th House Part of Fortune.
Jupiter is in Libra now, the sign of the Scales.
It represents Justice and order here.
We can avert alot of misfortune by allowing
the generousity and benevolence of Jupiter
to affect our decision making now.
Thinking of other's needs,
feeling their hearts,
and being true to our hearts,
will guide us thru these troubling times.
Venus is squaring our Mars, so battles are still imminent,
but short lived.  We're no one's darling this New Moon.
Neptune r. though, trines Mars.  Neptune has a way of
humbling Mars out, so the energy of Mars
can be utilized positively.
Thinking wholistically, Mars becomes palatable,
and others will listen with more confidence
in Mars's ability to govern.
Remember, we have a 1st House Mars in Gemini.
It's our destiny to be a world leader,
not the only one, but certainly a force to be reckoned with.
Neptune r. in trine to our Mars is very beneficial.
Mars sextile our Natal Venus, Jupiter and the Sun,
softens the square Mars forms to our very dramatic
Moon's Node.  Squares energize by creating imbalance.
Trines and sextiles facilitate motion
in the direction we want to move in.
Although Jupiter makes hard aspects on this New Moon,
by the Full Moon on Aug 19th,
it will have moved into trine with our Natal Mars.
It will also trine our Moon.
Neptune r. trines Saturn and Mars
completing a Grand Trine.
As Jupiter and Neptune form this Grand Trine,
we'll feel the pressure has let up,
and we'll be moving past the issues then
that are weighing us down this new moon.
Remember the New Moon is a time of beginnings.
Let us take this time to evaluate our deepest concerns,
and plan for a better tomorrow
with a new attitude of loving helpfullness,
patient support and faith in the Universe
that guides our lives and our country.
May the Universe continue to bless us.

USA Transits for:  July 6, 2005


This may be a very uncomfortable time for us.
We have alot of squares and oppositions.
Pluto r. is still square our Natal 5th House Neptune r.
The war goes on, and the misuse of technology escalates.
Pluto r is in sinister opposition to Natal 1st House Mars.
That means Pluto has gone beyond the degree of opposition.
This can create a whiplash effect in our lives,
bringing more violence and abusive conditions.
This is compounded by transiting Mars in Aries
in sinister square to our Part of Fortune.
We have to manage our anger better.
It leaves us irritated.
The Sun and Moon conjunct in Cancer
square our 5th House Saturn in Libra.
Saturn is exalted in Libra and gives executive qualities.
Here the Sun and Moon stimulate Saturn
to be more conscientious and compassionate.
We are growing our soul thru the experiences
we've gone thru since Sept 11th.
If we don't grow, then the experiences were a waste.
Grow we must, for a greater world. (smile)
That's a play on words.  When I was a kid growing up
in NYC, the slogan was
"Grow (Dig...) we must for a greater New York".
I think that was it.  And it's true.
Unless we grow, we implode.
We can't stay the same.
We just have to face it.
We have a responsibility to each other
to make peace,
to keep the air and water and land clean,
to keep our hearts clean toward each other.
And no one knows that better or can handle it better
than the country with Saturn in Libra in the 5th House.
Be happy to grow.
There is still so much good to do with our little lifetimes.
As long as the choice is ours,
why not just take the high road.
If we reach for the summit, we will get there.
Now Jupiter is conjuncting our Saturn in Libra,
and at the same time squares our Natal Sun in Cancer.
Don't fret, don't give up....grow.
Jupiter wants to explode with this square to the Sun;
Saturn wants to prevent the splattering
when we pre-emptively hit the proverbial fan.
Jupiter thrusts, Saturn waits, watches and learns.
This can all be very positive if we don't let emotions
bog us down with resentment and paranoia.
Mercury and Venus come in to rescue our raggediness
with a reminder to be loving and thoughtful.
They sextile Saturn for a week and then move on,
hoping we'll remember the lessons Love and Forbearance teach
when we're in the clinches.
If we don't, Jupiter is sure to disrupt the equillibrium.
It has a short fuse squaring our Part of Fortune.
There are lessons we can't avoid.
Transiting Jupiter in Libra and
Transiting Mars in Aries oppose each other.
Both square our Part of Fortune.
No time to waste.  We must save our souls now.
Forget the t.v. and the jewelry.
Get on with it.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
You are your brother's keeper.
And never forget it.
We're all so sick of the coldness.
Come in from the cold.
The rest of us are here waiting for you.
Waiting to hearld your return to Paradice Consciousness.
Be brave.  Others will mock you when you're kind.
But if you're not, how will they ever know
the value of kindness?
Those of us that are able to love,
with the same love we gave as a child....
can do this.
At the very least, if we do nothing else,
we can pray for each other!
With Uranus sextile our Part of Fortune,
anything can happen,
even the most unlikely....
that our human family could even come to agreement
on our responsibility to each,
to protect and insure quality of life for all,
to the best of our ability.
If we can strive for that,
we will see Peace in our lifetime.
Uranus also squares our Natal Sun in Cancer.
It's our choice.  The assistance we need
to transform our mundane caustic attitudes
is available thru the trine to the Sun,
and the sextile to the Part of Fortune.
This is our key.  Open the door of your heart
and walk out of the madness.
Be real.  Listen to yourself.
Be who you want to be.
Don't give in to bullies.
Learn patience, show love and understanding.
It's such an easy road to embark on.
The first step is the hardest.
Do it for Love.
Do it for Mother Earth.
Do it for yourself...and the rest of us
who share that Self.
Although the Sun and Moon are in opposition to our
Part of Fortune, they've already gone past the degree
by the New Moon, and will move quickly on to
conjunct our Natal Mercury r. in Cancer.
This Mercury r. is our big problem.
A National consciousness that is anal retentive.
Wont give up the blankey.
Natally it is in opposition to Pluto r. in Capricorn.
Oh the devestation we have wrought on mankind
because of this configuration.
Pay attention to it, because at this time,
Saturn opposes that Pluto and is sinister conjunct
our Natal Mercury r.
Saturn plops itself difiantly
in our most sensitive hiding place,
the Mind. 
We are tested to see if we have realized yet
any progress from our efforts over the past 14 years
since Saturn conjuncted our Pluto r.
There has been a great deal of progress
in the creation of new technologies.
We have become more aware of the effects
of our presence in this world, and now we must learn
how to counter balance those effects
that are harming our environment and all of life.
If we don't pay attention, if we don't modify our behavior,
Pluto r. will have it's way with us.
Pluto is the planet that rules creation and destruction.
It breaks down everything rigid and unyielding.
We absolutely don't want to test it's power or challenge it.
It rules over generations.
Our children's children will have to pay for our
errors of judgement.
This is a very criticl time astrologically for America.
It's arrogant and foolhardy for us to think,
that although we make an effort to do good,
we've still got to repair to the wrongs we done to each other.
If you've treated me so poorly that I'm afraid of you,
then an apology is not enough.
To trust you again, I must see the "new you"
thru many seasons.
I want to test your sincerity.
We have to give our neighbors time to trust us again.
If we had gone to Darfur and protected the innocent
who were being masacred
and still are to this very day,
by their neighbors,
we could have regained the respect and cooperation
of the world community,
who then would have rushed in to assist us after Sept 11th.
Instead we went to commint more genocide
on a people, because we suspected their involvement.
When all the time it was Iraq. 
Everyone know that.  I knew that just from watching the news
and investigating how people in other lands felt.
This is that anal retentive Mercury r. in Cancer
I was talking about.
We have 5 oppositions at this time.
Some will last only a day or so,
others will stay for the long haul,
and prove our value or lack of it.
Oppositions bring confrontations from outside sources.
Conjunctions are situations and attitudes that  we create.
So we need to pay attention.
we don't know it all.  And though we write laws,
we are not above them.
And we are not above the laws of Nature.
If we weren't so bigoted and self righteous as a Nation,
we would have already absorbed the wisdom
of ancient cultures and deport ourselves
with more intelligence.
But we missed first grade and went straight to second.
Now we have to go back to first and do it all over again.
Do it joyfully.  There's no time to waste.
Things will change in the twinkling of an eye.
If our consciousness is in harmony with Nature,
the negative potential will not manifest.
The positive wave will overtake it,
and we wont have to divert
what seems inevitable.
Have Faith in the goodness that exists in the Universe,
for us to pick up on.
Don't waste this chance America.
Put the weapons down.
Return the metals to the earth.
In one lifetime (mine, 62 years now),
we've turned so much of the earth's resourses to lead
thru expending them in horrible wars
that degrade everything everywhere.
We are shameless and confused.
We must take stock of ourselves,
and return to the goodness hiding deep in our hearts.
It begs to come forth...turn the key
and restore yourself to the Paradice Consciousness
we all were created to express
for the benefit of the Universe.
Just be honest and caring,
 and the rest of the puzzle will fit in place.
Peace out.

USA Transits for:  June 6, 2005


This is really a New Moon chart.  It says full moon 'cuz I erased the new and put full thinking I was putting up the Summer Solstice chart.  Now I'm tired and will have to get back to all this another day. 

USA Transits for New Moon:  May 7, 2005


I'll put the reading up in a few days.

USA Transits for:  September 14, 2004


The Sun and Moon conjunct in Virgo, along with Mars,
conjuncts our Natal Neptune r. at 22 degrees of Virgo.
Jupiter at 27 degrees is sinister conjunct Neptune r.
The Sun inspires Neptune; the Moon destabilizes it.
Mars increases these values negative and positive.
We are torn between reason and destruction.
Jupiter has passed the degree but is still within orb.
It's influence is to increase the energy flow like Mars does,
but is less destructive.  Some good will come of it.
Conjuncting our Neptune, these planets and luminaries
respond in unison with other, prevailing aspects.
Pluto opposes our 1st House Mars inflicting injury.
Pluto squares our 5th House Neptune increasing
the possibility that weapons of modern technology,
and also nuclear weapons may be employed.
This is further emphasized when the Sun, Moon and Mars
square our 1st House Mars to confirm the danger.
Uranus square our Ascendant and Natal Uranus,
indicates that anything could happen.
It could even be a natural disaster.
Saturn conjuncts our Mercury r. and opposes our Pluto r.
involving our 3rd House of brothers and sisters,
and our 9th House of long journey, on foot, or within the soul.
Mercury r. in Cancer makes us insecure and paranoid.
In opposition to Pluto r., we have a chance to
revolutionize world thinking.  We have influence.
Now with Saturn conjunct and in opposition,
we are sternly advized by the Lord of Karma (Theirselves),
to pay attention, to how we wield this "influence".
It is a burdensome responsibility to be the World's Conscience
especially when we have trouble
maintaining our own.
With Neptune conjunct our Midheaven and Moon,
it is little wonder that we have become misguided
in our approach to applying our influence.
It has taken a long time for this situation to build.
Neptune moves slowly thru the Zodiac.
We did not see our blind sightedness until recently.
And we don't understand the cause of being rejected
and attacked by terrorists.
We have become so comfortable with Liberty and Democracy
that we have unintentionally stepped over
the line of decency. 
 But there is hope.  Help is on the way.
For Neptune, while deluding us,
provides a trine to Saturn.
This stabilizes us and keeps us centered,
but we have to stretch for it,
and really try to study our intentions deeper
to understand our motivation
for behaving in ways that disturb other people.
We do have to consider that in our happy parade
of self expression and other rights.
We do not after all own this earth, but It owns us.
And we belong to each other, and for that,
like in any family, the Family of Man
must take into account,
the effect the freedom of one particular people,
affects another.
If our way of life, frightens decent families all over the world,
then shouldn't we take stock of ourselves,
and even modify, for the sake of world peace,
and for love of one another,
our so-called Liberties.
The Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunction
trine our Natal Pluto r.
So it is thru creative self-examination
and modification that friendships can be restored;
and the Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter
give us the boost of "juice"
we need to accomplish that new beginning.
The Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter sextile our Mercury r,
encourage our understanding,
so it is quite likely, that we will overcome blind sightedness
in our relationships to people of other cultures and races.
Mercury does square our Ascendant, and it is
at a critical degree.
We can be billigerant and proud, or we can
accept the challenge of the square and resolve issues
so desperately in need of resolution.
Uranus trining our Venus, Jupiter and the Sun,
help us thru the hard times
with a sense of humor and appreciation for beauty.
The Civil Rights Mantra of "We Shall Overcome"
can be applied here as "We CAN overcome!"

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