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USA NATAL CHART, Aspects with Discussion/Explanation

I found this chart for the United States in the July 2000
issue of "ASTROLOGY, Your Daily Horoscope" magazine
in an article by Jill M. Phillips entitled 'PREDICTIONS
FOR THE MILLENIUM.  I only calculation I made was
for the Part of Fortune, placing it in the 8th House.
 USA NATAL CHART::  July 4, 1776
2:13 a.m. LMT,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania




Saturn in Libra (Exalted) in the 5th House
gives us the stength and endurance to
create.  But one must create with love or
what value can it have to us and others.
The lesson here is to feel the joy.  Arrogance.
and a drive for power will kill the joy.
Neptune in the 5th gives opportunity to grow
our soul thru creative sacrifice.  But can demand
alot and give too little when negative and self-
indulgent.  Saturn on the other hand
wants control. and balance--at any cost.
Coming off of Saturn is a grand trine in
the air signs.  Saturn trines the Asc and
Uranus, putting our genius potential to
work;  It is also trine our moon in Aquarius.
The moon rules personality, and the Moon
in Aquarius is aloof and has a lofty idea
of reality.  Not concerned with trivialities.
It thinks big.  But has deep feelings that
are concerned about the rights of everyone
In trine aspect to Saturn, it gives a great
sense of duty and loyalty.  It gives  practicality
and responsibility.
The moon is also trine the Asc and Uranus.
It makes us inventive, inspirational and creative.
We are original in our ideas and concepts.
For this we are admired and emulated by the
whole world.
Something that concerns me is the square from
Saturn to the Part of Fortune in the 8th House.
There is the need for liberation from the box
way of thinking.  Our destiny and survival depend
on it.
The other aspect I'm concerned about understanding
is that retrograde Mercury in Cancer.  It is in
opposition to Pluto in the 9th House (higher educ-
ation and long journeys).   Mental and emotional
anxiety rule here.  We need to learn moderation
and compromise.  When challenged we become
arrogant and self-righteous, and find it hard
to appreciate where others are coming from.
We demand results, which may be unfair.
We are sure we can see around the corner,
but really Mercury is just speculating out
of insecurity, fear and unknowing.  Pluto
is there for a reason, and one way or another
will force us to face ourselves, and recreate
the world for everyone to live nicely in.
Saturn is square our Cancer Sun.  It is the
sign of headstrong willfullness and
selfishness.  I know, it's in my own Natal
chart.  That which does not bend, breaks.
There are so many wonderful aspects still
to discuss. I've only touched on the most
troublesome here.
Neptune in the 5th house squared to Mars in
the 1st:  Abuse of technology.  There's a
tendency there to be deluded and be rash
at the same time.   The world senses our
emotional and mental condition and wants
to take a step back, so as to get out of our
way.  They love us and hate us.  They love
us because we are brilliant, free and
self-confident.  They hate us because we
are out of touch with their reality.  They
hate us because we have been greedy and
unfair.  They love us because we are
generous and mean well.  They hate us
because, in the end, we intend to win at
any cost.  This shows our immaturity
(reflected by our planetary setup nationally).
It is hard for us to check ourselves out when
we are so choked up emotionally.  We are a
nation of  primadonas.  If we have time, we
can learn.  Ah...but do we have time?
For a clue to that script, check out USA Transits
for Nov 20, 2002.

The big lesson for us is to realize that it is more important
who and what we are, than what we have accumulated. 
Though I have created alot of music, poetry, literature
and artwork this lifetime,  it is not me.  It doesn't
represent me, though I did the work.  I can't take
one bit of it with me to where ever I'm headed after this
life.  But I am the energy I develop, not the mundane
product, but the energy created by the intention of my
heart.  If I am creating expressions of violence or
discontent, my creations may or may not reflect that,
but the quality of my soul, my thinking and ability to feel,
are affected.  The mundane things I create will pass,
but the feeling I put into everything I do and make, 
will last beyond my little lifetime.
The quality of the expression and it's
"value" are intangible, yet affect
everything and everyone around it. 
As Americans, we don't realize how materialistic we. 
We grab for everything and then are bored.  Democracy
is good and works, we just have to adjust our attitude
a bit, to include everyone.  We can only make friends
when we are friends.   We shouldn't let our sensitivities,
fears and prejudices rule our good sense and good
naturedness.  We are a great nation, but have made
great mistakes.  We've been big bullies and have
disrespected the rights of others.  We can change,
we can grow up and accept the world's love and
admiration without it going to our heads.

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                  USA NATAL ASPECTS
Of course our Sun is in Cancer (July 4th). 
We are overall, a very passionate people. 
Venus, Jupiter and  Mercury (retrograde)
are also in Cancer. increasing
our emotional nature.
Jupiter conjunct the Sun gives us stamina
and longevity as a Nation.  We are sentimental.
Mercury in Cancer and retrograde, gives one
pause for thought.  The mind is ruled by
emotions when in Cancer.  It can be insecure
and unfocused when threatened.
Uranus is conjunct the Ascendant giving
Americans opportunities to change and grow. 
Our optimistic attitude interests the world,
but frightens some who recognize the arrogant
complacency we sometimes assume.  We're just
so blessed, we forget the path our parents took to
get us here.  It also can be a sign of fanaticism.
Mars in Gemini in the first house colors our
National personality with wit, humor and a bit
of gossiping.  We like to spread ourselves
far and wide, and for that need to learn to
concentrate.  Our nerves are red hot with
Mars in Gemini.
Neptune is in the 5th House of  Creativity. 
In Virgo it is an idealist and can be very critical
of others.  For that we are a nation of nuerotic
people and find it hard to face the whole truth.
Mars in Gemini is Square Neptune in Virgo
(1st House-self to 5th House-creativity. 
Because of  our insecurities, and prejudices
(racial, ethnic, life stype, economic level, etc
etc) we have cause to worry.  So we have created
bombs and other weapons to protect ourselves. 
Neptune rules fantasy and delusions.  It also
rules tecnology and nuclear weapons.  Mars
rules guns and ammunition.  Squaring each
other natally gives us a short fuse and 
emotional instability.

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USA TRANSITS, Sept 11, 2002



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