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Waterboarding Torture
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This is a comment I posted on the
Nightline Contact Us Board


Letter to Nightline: 12/11/07

Water-boarding torture may have broken it's victem. Sure being a bully and terrorist works. But is the loss of soul one also gains by such methods, really worth it?...when it is always possible to negoiate and compromise on issues. Who are we to condem other's way of life when in the USA Liberty has derailed and become iicense to export smut and violence thru media. Our filthy appetite for violence and ponography, has infected the World and decent families everywhre wish we could protect our childen from the growing threat of our hedoistic shallow materialism.

We need to take stock of ourselves and realize that we are just as much terrorists as those who would exteminate us if they could, and have instigated (to some degree, innocently on our part) this deplorable condition of misunderstandings. Why is it that Moslems only hate Jews and Americans. That should tell us we need to reevaluate our free society because we share this world with others. We don't like sharing power and we want to keep our place as number 1. Being #1 means being responsible and considerate of others too. Mosems have radicalized as we have demoralized. We need a better point of balance so we can come together effectively.

Please consider my comments. Thank you for this chance to speak up in a free medial.

Balance...moderation...self-respect and decency. That all works together to provide real friendships and allies. Alliances are not made through waterboarding torture techniques!

Sincerely, ynez reyes

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