World Disarmament Now!
Letter from Harmony
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                                                                                             October 28, 2007


To Whom It May Concern:


Thanks you for the good you are trying to do. I'm very concerned though, as all the World is at this time, about the way we are treating each other. I listen to your debates and wonder why World Disarmament is never mentioned. You know, bullies make bad neighbors. America does alot of good, but is also a very dangerous and uncompromizing bully.

I'm writing to ask you please to push for World Disarmament. As long as the United States and Israel (and other Nations) have Nuclear Weapons, other Nations will also want and need them. If we can use surveilance to detect where Nuclear activities are being perfomed in Iran, North Korea etc, then it is also possible to detect these power plants in the United States, Israel and other countries that use Nuclear Power. The United Nations needs to take control of the problem and have a surveilance program that keeps all Nuclear Weapons from being created. We have them. Israel has them. Do we actually intend to use them? Or do we have them only as a threat. The threat is not working because it intimidates our neighbors, who live in fear of us. We need to completely disarm the World entirely of Nuclear Weapons. I think we should desist completely with Nuclear Energy use and find clean alternatives to satisfy our energy needs.

If anyone on Earth uses Nuclear Weapons, it will further degenerate our Environment. So I beg you...plead with you, to please disarm the World of this threat of contamination and annihilation. We don't have to go that way. I know I'm not presenting my position eloquently. But I am sincere and very serious about it. Why continue to persecute our neighbors because we're too lazy to find less dangerous methods, and too arrogant and greedy for power, to admit it.

If Americans weren't such bigots, this problem of self defence would not have arizen in the first place. Bullies cannot be trusted. No one wants a bully for a neighbor. Our bigotry is borne out of our fear of others, who are different from us. America is not the World Paragon of virtue. I

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personally have been persecuted and denied opportunity my whole life (65 years) by Caucasian Americans who want to exterminate Mexicans. If you could actually do it, I believe you would. I still am a victem to this day of American persecution. I am afraid of you all because of your limited understanding, compassion and respect for me and my relatives. Your attitude (and I was born, raised and have lived in the United States my whole life, suffering this discrimination, plus the physical attacks on my person, with the scars to prove what I say) is dispicable. You attempt to clone everyone in your image. We have to speak your language, wear your clothes, accept your religion, propaganda and kiss your butts to keep a job. Your position is indefensible, so rather than accept and respect the rest of us, you've chosen to develop Nuclear Weapons, and bully the World into submission, rather than listen, and learn to compromize...for Love's sake. You don't love us at all! And this is what is causing the greatest obstacles to Peace on Earth.

You, by sheer force have gobbled the World up, and then say you're Peace Makers. No one in their right mind believes it because Americans are derilects. Where are our guidelines for human behavior. In the sewer. Look at the Media and the low life pitiful way we entertain ourselves. The reality we propagate offends families the World over, though they become so intoxicated by our nerve in crossing the boundries of decency. I'm just so disgusted with all of you. Please please take stock of yourselves. We are not paragons of virtue. We're just like everyone else, trying to maintain a residence, food, education, medical assistance. Why do you make it so hard for the poor and disabled to get an education. You want it all for your little white selves. There never has been job security for me. No matter how good I perform my duties. I refuse to be your flunky and kissy butt phoney. I'm telling you straight up how I feel about the path America has chosen to inflict on us.

I'm just unwanted and unneeded by my own Country. I'm so hurt by it. I know how others feel because I too am a victem in America, just because I'm not really white enough, and don't believe in your Evangelical teachings that border on fanaticism. I really resent that my Country threw my life away though I have steadily tried to maintain it for the good of all beings. Because I wont go along with your deceitfulness, all you will allow me to be is a paracite off the Gov't. How degraded I feel. I live in fear of you. I don't know when you're going to go off and start another war...or throw me in an institution without just cause. You show no wisdom in persecuting us like this. As long as even one Nation has Nuclear Weapons, there will be no chance for Peace on Earth. Please understand

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this. Correct your policies and be fair...just care about us. You talk alot, but it doesn't seem to mean anything when our Politicians are degenerates and dangerous bigots...and even steal elections. It's so disgraceful

This is just my opinion. Sorry. We can change! We can clarify! We can do the right thing for each other, and for the environment! I don't believe in violence to begin with. I refuse to contribute to it! I sure wish my Country also felt that way. It is the job of the United Nations to maintain Peace on Earth, and put us all in our place! We should be more concerned with providing Humanitarian Aid than in conquering impoverished countries on false charges. Didn't we have enough real reasons to commit acts of war on Iraq. We had to make up excuses and then throw the Koran in the toilet in Abu Graib. We are acting like dictators. It doesn't make sense to me!!! We sell Iraq biological weapons (that we have manufactured) and show them how to use them on their Iranian neighbors. This is so evil because then, he used them on the Kurds, which use we disapproved it...and then we murdered him. This is so dispicable. Why did we sanction using them on the Iranians and not the Kurds. The Kurds were trying to assasinate him. Don't we imprision and sentence to death anyone who tries to assasinate our President. Look at the mess we've made. This double standard proves to me that America is brain-dead and has no real conscience. It's all a sham...a big show to prove our prowess. We're all just animals for goodness sake. How can we justify such delinquency on our part?! We are responsible to God for this! If America was really a God fearing Nation, we would have repented already. Now we need to immediately desist with the present war in Iraq and refuse to go along with any future plans to create more devestation.

God bless you and keep you safe and well. I just pray America will come to it's senses before it's too late to turn back.

Sincerely, "Harmony" ynez reyes




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