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Planets for:  3/15/06

   Well things are finally starting to cool down abit,
though we're not home safe yet.
Pluto has transited out of orb in the
opposition to our first house Mars. 
Now it sextiles our natal Pluto r.
Take a deep breath.
Jupiter r. squares our Natal Moon.
We need to be mindful of all that's gone before
and thru reflection, chart a more
reasonable course.
During the lull, don't let arrogance
and complacency befuddle the mind.
Watch out for extravagant attitudes:
Neptune still conjuncts the moon.
Venus conjunct our M.C. forms a grand trine
between itself, Saturn and our Ascendant,
Uranus conjunction.
Mars completes this fortunate aspect
with a trine to Saturn.  Enjoy.
Uranus trines our Natal Sun, promicing
adventure and positive outcome thru change
and sudden insightfulness.
Neptune trine our natal Mars gives
martian energy a rest,
allowing a maturity of emotions
thru understanding the greater picture
that Reality imposes.
There's a square from the Sun and Mercury
to our natal Mars, but though tempers
may flare, they will subside quickly
as the Sun and Mercury move on.
This is short, because it's all good.

Sealion Fish

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