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APRIL 22, 2005

Good Morning Young People:
Today we remember how wonderful our world is.
The grass so green, the sky so blue, the sun so warm.
Our planet, like a heavenly body
spins around the Sun
and we live and grow up
to find our own way.
With all the disappointing things that happen,
there is still always the chance that things will turn our well.
Have faith in that, because,
your heart's intention is very big and important.
The love in your heart, is felt everywhere by everyone,
even if they don't want to show or admit it.
And that's why each and everyone is so important.
The love in your heart that you allow,
brings others out of their sorrow.
So try to always be a loving person,
full of understanding, patience and gratitude.
Even though we're just another puny life form,
clinging to our Earth as It spins dutifully around our Sun,
the true person, full of goodness and love to give,
is like a thunderstorm,
awakening people to feel again,
and be good to each other again.
Although we are afraid and alone,
we are in actuality, one tiny cell of a Heavenly Body.
That Heavenly Body is our Earth.
Together we learn to work together for the good of all.
This is a big thing.  Bullies don't negotiate.
But a living being, respectful of the Heavenly Body
that gives it life and it's special identity,
learns how to cooperate, to compromise.
It's not such a bad thing.
Think of the true friendships we learn to make
because we're willing to be reasonable.
And that is a happy life to look back on when one is old.
So I am including two poems here this lovely Earth Day.,
for your pleasure and benefit.



Good Morning: April 22, 2004
It's 6:15 a.m.
and our blessed Sun
is wanting to come over the horizon
...and brighten our day!
It's Earth Day
and we have alot on our minds.
We are very disappointed
with what humans are doing to our planet.
Have faith.
It's up to each and every one of us
what happens to Planet Earth.
That's why it's important that we know
how much our input matters.
First of all we need the fuel:  Faith.
Faith can move mountains.
The good intention of our hearts
manifests in the world around us.
It's seems slow, and we are overwhelmed
by the callous way we all are being treated, but persevere and be a loving person.
How better the day becomes
when we encounter a loving person of faith
who ignites greater understanding in us.
Believe in yourself, in your potential.
Character is worth more than diamonds and gold.
A person of character inspires and transforms
the world about him/her.
Remember to have Aloha, Kokua and Mahalo
for everyone, especially our Kupunas.
If only the whole world knew
what a beautiful thing it is to give
Aloha, Kokua and Mahalo.
Send it to them in your prayers.
Don't give up!
Someday the world will get it.
We can't learn about goodness from a book.
We need to be in the presence
of a person practicing goodness,
to truly understand the value of it.
Instill goodness in the world,
by not giving in to ignorant bully's negativity.
If a person can light a candle and curse you,
then you can light a candle and bless them.
They both work.
What will you choose to do
on this our blessed Earth Day?!
Pray for peace on earth
and in the hearts of mankind.
If you don't believe in yourself
what can you believe in?
Believe in  yourself, and invest in yourself.
You are Somebody.
Your heart's intention carries an
electromagnetic charge.
The more you focus with Aloha
the greater the charge.
Let Love do the work.
Just do the right thing.
And try everyday to get off by yourself.
In those times, reflect on unresolved issues.
Your heart will show you the truth.
It takes courage to follow the truth of your heart.
But if we don't, we wind up with a bunch
of phonies.
Just be real, try to be mature
instead of always insisting on having our way.
And while you're at it,
check out my website below.
We have a fabulous planet.
Let's keep it clean.
There are solutions.
Sometimes old timers need fresh ideas.
We need all the positive solutions
that humans can put forth.
Let's hear some of your ideas.
The future belongs to the young.

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