Facing Sunrize began as a promice kept
to my grandmother Celestina Vidal Hay,
who told me about
Peaciwawala and Sittingjing-gongala
(two of the main characters of this novel).
On cold winter nights in New York City
I slept beside her, listening with awe at the
wonderful stories she told with these characters.
Facing Sunrize is a trilogy.
Part I (the 1st 11 chapters),
is called "The Adventures of
Peaciwawala and Sittingjing-gongala".
Lali (Peaciwawala) is still a child.
In Part II (Chapters 11 thru 31)
is an adultscience fiction fantasy.
I call it,
"Jzurlea and the Shining Brother"
It is Lali's fantasy when she grows up
and finds herself in the 20th Century.
She time travels back 50,000 years
to the land of Lemuria,
and forward to Atlantis. Then she begins
the painful journey back to her own time.
Part III is a semi documentary called
"Banana Patch and Beyond"
and goes into
Lali's life in the 20th Century
Every month I will publish one chapter.
Each chapter will be a new page.
Facing Sunrize is copywritten with
the Library of Congress, and I am the author.
I hope you enjoy Facing Sunrize.
ynez reyes