Chapter 7
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As soon as Harmony started into the forest,
she saw Maji turn back.  He was walking toward
her.  She stood bewildered and smiled curiously
as he passed her.  All he said was,
"I forgot something...."
She watched him go to the tree where he found
her resting.  He grabbed the water bottles
and fish still on the hook, and
returned to her with his broad smile,
snapping water handsomely from his wet locks.

The sea was roaring on the smooth, black 
it had piled upon the beach for eons. 
untied a bottle of water from the others.
He had filled them all at the Grotto. 
He liked to swim there and back
from the Bay
instead of hiking to the top,
then down
to the grotto, then back up from the
to the top, then back down to the Bay. 
he swam the short distance instead.
There were caves and landings to traverse. 
He had no fear.  He went there and back alone.
Now he lifted the bottle high in the air.
"Water...clear, fresh water" he said magestically.
He looked toward the horizon, and then
at Harmony.  Offering her the bottle, he said,
"Drink!...have some water".
His deep voice resonated in the wind.
The words seemed to roll off his tongue
and out into the late afternoon, like the
music of a flute...a large bamboo flute.
It vibrated inside her.  She could feel the
tingling his voice made throughout her body.
She was trembling. 
He was in tune with everything,
everything synchronized with his tone
and movements.  She could hardly believe
the way she was feeling inside.
Did he know what he was doing to her?
She, with everything around her seemed caught up
in the movement of his tides,
of his breath...
of the complex vibration
of his thoughtful presence.
His nature was so pleasurable to her,
she was swooning with delight.
"How could you forget the water?" she smiled 
trying to provoke
a reaction from him.  He was
going to go off like a water buffalo,
when she added,
"You always accuse me
of being a space case!" 
"Hmmm," he thought. 
Before he could figure out
where she was
coming from, she said, 
"You're a real
Space Captain you know" 
and raised the
water jug to her lips, taking
a long
sweet refreshing drink.

The spray from the sea hung pungently in the crisp air.
 It too refreshed her, bringing her back from her
state of natural intoxication.   She sat down
on one of the boulders near where they were
standing.  The rocks were round and smooth. 
She ran
her hands over them. 
It so inspired her
to sit upon the great rocks.
She watched the
long fingers of the frothy surf,
rush in and out
between them, grabbing bits of sand,
depositing scraps of shell.  She watched
the sea retreating with it's arms full
of treasures like the little green seeds
of coconuts;  they
bobbed their way out to sea, and
unimagined destinations. 
Some even visited the savagely cold depths
before the
tides yanked them back to the
surface to find a
sandy beach, to find a place
to send out their roots,
to break through,
to finally grow up and fulfill
their destiny...
as she herself hoped she could do....
The sea went out and returned again and again...
as if to wash her mind of
then bringing other memories
from the depths
of her being to the surface...
depositing them before her;
the images away with the next tidal surge.
"So many lives to remember" she thought.
She sat quietly musing in thoughts of her
preposterous options.  She sat upon the boulders. 
They were porous and strangely shaped oddities. 
Children of Madame Pele.  They knocked together
in the surf
exploding in thunderous rolling booms.
They had a musical language all their own.
Resisting the ceaseless churning, they held
one safely above the mysterious
dancing waters,
where one could observe
the journey the Self had made,
being caught in the perilous arms of the sea.
The sea was restless, like serpents, luring
and pulling one away into their foamy lair.
Then with a sudden lunge...return. 
Even a
good swimmer could be lost. 
With each
lunging,  a part of herself resurfaced.....
smashing upon the rocks.

She remembered a
Golden Age of Mankind on Earth. 
An age of reason and cooperation.
An age where natural things were appreciated,
and humans knew how to perform their
mystical duty with love, devotion and
for the Great Spirit indwelling in all things. 
She wondered how she could ever get back to that Age.
She realized Maji was with her now
as he was holding her hand.
"Talking rocks have secrets" he said jovially.
"They hold the record of the a shell.
Do you speak their language Harmony?"
This made her chuckle.  She loved his whimsy.
Reaching between the rocks, he grabbed a
handful of the wet sand to show her, then
brought his wet lips to her mouth,
and held her tightly in his arms. The wind
gently rocked them in it's arms too.
They sat quietly
savoring the beauty
in each other's eyes, listening
to the
thoughts so hidden, one could not speak them.
There was something between them from long ago
in antiquity,  but it was undefinable
as they
sailed on the magic carpet
of sensuous
human desire and longing
for one another. 
They could only
comprehend the Now they were creating. 
Nothing else made sense anymore.  Whatever
was real  between them, had
brought them together. 
Not just chance. 
Still she wondered if she could
just be dreaming
all this stuff up like he insisted.
There was something in Maji's eyes. 
expression they took. 
His hair crowned the
like a wreathe of buds,
and like a great stallion,
he galloped
into her life, though she knew,
he was not a man to be corraled for long.
He was just irresistable to her.
He was mischievious, rough and wild.
But his hands touched her so gently,
raising the tiny hairs of her body in excitement.

When he touched her, her memories went out with the surf.  
He was pointing to a sailboat
aways off shore. 
It shone like a jewel
in the water and moved swiftly,
skipping across the horizon. 
Although Jzurlea had seen the reed river boats people
in the lowlands used, she had never seen the ocean or a
sailboat.  But Harmony
knew what they were. 
She had dreamed
of sailing all her life. 
He talked to her
of taking an ocean voyage, and
what they
would find beyond the last horizon.
She laughed as they held each other, knowing
that here at the Bay, with the
ocean spray on her face,
in Maji's arms,
she already had everything.  This was it!
Out there, the world had gone mad.  But here,
together, by the big sea waters,
it all made sense.
Lines of energy were aligning the voice
of the Ancient Self within her.  She was reconciling
all the scattered particles and fragments each one of
us recollects when the animal self begins to ask
pertinent questions of Sky and Nature like,
"Who am I?, Where am I? and
What am I doing here anyway!?"
 Her true Nature was becoming clearer to her
with each breath she took.

She watched the little boat fade away as it sailed off 
into the horizon.  Now
her eyes drifted back to the Bay.  
On the far side of 
the Bay, the grassy pali
gave way to an immense height of rock that burst from
the sea, which wind and rain had carved exquisitely. 
 To Harmony the bluff reminded her of a lion's head.
The nose jutted out distinctly.  From antiquity, the
deep set eyes patroled the sea through the locks
of it's thick craggy mane etched so clearly into the rock.
She thought she even saw
 a fang dangling precariously. 
"We should take a hike up there soon.  Does it look like
an old lion's head to you?" she said casually.
  Maji being Leo by sign, identified with the rock bluff.
Now he preened and displayed for her. Taking a deep breath,
he allowed his great chest to unfold and shook his
mane so she would have no doubt about his majesty.
She adored his bravado and natural regaling.
He never answered her question directly, but he
was showing her that he did see the Lion's head
and he was the Lion.  She was giggling delightedly
as he moved about her absurdly in his Leonic way.

The great Lion's Head had lauhala and guava growing
on it's
flanks from the sea to the pali. 
The earth was a shocking dark red
beneath the
 vibrant greens of foliage. 
The sun reflected off their waxy surfaces creating
spectrums of light that reflected and fractured into
rainbows where ever it landed.  She could see
bright yellow
guavas trying to hide
behind the leaves
in the afternoon sun.
The Age of Technology had decended
upon the world, yet there in the shadow
of the massive Lion's Head, she felt the eternal
moment...the Now.  It was a moment
in which everything moved in harmony
from sunrize to sunrize.  Words lost their
meaning, and sounded only like a child's
jibberish....and they laughed and laughed..
because they could "feel" the connection
between each other and all things.
It was as if orbs of light were radiating from their
joined bodies, and it was so ticklish.

 The Sun was past it's zenith and
would be
lowering in the West in a
few hours. 
The wind was beginning
to pick up too.
"We better go soon" he said in her ear.
He put his tongue in it when he said that.
It gave her chills. 
"Ooh" she said puckering in excitement.
He got up and grabbed his pack, the fish and the bottles. 
She had her pack and began to follow him. 
Then she saw it.  The little machine the Shining Brother
had placed her on, sending her here to this time.
She wanted to go check it out, but now
Maji was heading for the trees, and it was getting late. 
"It'll be there tomorrow.  I'll check it out then"
she said to herself,
rushing to catch up with him.

The rainy season had past, but the streams
from the
waterfalls in the forest still
ran with water.  
In Winter they merge into one raging river
that empties into the Bay.  But it was Summer now,
and the river had dwindled considerably.
In Winter one could not stay down there because of the
force of the water rushing through the little gourge
 from the land to the sea.  
Mango and guava trees grew where the sand and
boulders ended. A young coconut palm grew among them.
The mouth of the river widened at the shore
and formed a
 pool of fresh clear water which
the verdant shrubs and lofty trees. 
 The sky
was luminous on the glassy face of the water as
it trickled slowly into the sea.

One instantly felt pulled into the interior now.
The fragrances of ginger and mango blossoms
filled the air.  The water glided smoothly
over the rocks, dancing in rivulets and spirals. 
It sounded like singing.  The water laughed
triumphantly as it faced each bolder head on.
It skipped and flowed, rushing and gushing over the rocks. 
It sparkled
in celebration of the Light that filtered
through the lacework of leaves and branches.
She had to touch it. 
As she entered the water
Harmony felt shocks as the
current licked
her legs.  She felt electrically charged.
She cupped the water in her hands, holding it up to the
Angel of Water.  She felt as though
she was part of
some great pageant marching with the rest of Humanity
and living beings though Time Immemorial 
and many
lives to the final purification. 
Then one
would be as clear as this water, able to
reflect the Sun as easily as did this little
bit she cupped in her hands like a precious jewel...
able to remember even
who she had been,
and what she had done to offend the Universe. 
She felt the weight of her Karma
squeezing her through a tiny portal.
It was painful and difficult to make this journey.
There was no where to turn back to though, no where to
turn forward, no where to lean. 
All she could do was, and "feel" her way.
Her eyes were wide open, but she could not see
beyond today.

This water had come from the sky and it
was alive. 
It had traveled over this land
and under it,
resurfacing in the forest
near the entrance to the Bay. 
It had been so long in coming, and now it was here. 
It began as two streams
upcountry that merged
in the forest
to become a river during the
time of
the Big Waters.  She raised
the water high above her head and looked up.  
Slowly the water began to drip,
and she let it fall
into her mouth, her
joyous mouth. 
It looked like crystals
splashing on her face. 
It soothed her;
it cooled her head. 
Then Maji appeared close.  Their bodies touched
 shivering and dripping wet.  They held each other 
closely for warmth. 
As they stood now entwined,
the light
breeze whipping about them,
wrapped them closer and closer. 
The departing Sun
reflected It's Golden Face
in every drop of
water that clung to their bodies. 
 Immerced in that intoxicating Light...they felt the wave. 
It was
everything to them as they to each other. 
Absorbed in an eternal moment of Time,
they were oblivious to change...
but moments
push ever onward.

Now the Sun's rays slanted inside the forest,
hitting only the tops of the trees. 
deepened and appeared out of nowhere.
Mango trees 60 to 80 feet tall raised the
forest canopy to an immense cathedral of space.
  The interior was like an ancient Temple
that had been left to Time and became
overgrown and forgotten. Lava rocks
were still piled in terraces making steps up
the sides of the gourge in distinct levels. 
They were what remained of the kalo patches
that had once fed a small community. 
They were
precious relics now of a time past
that was all but forgotten. 
Lichen slowly ate away at
their volanic surfaces. 
It looked as though
a cataclysm had occured there,
but it was just the
slow workings of Time. 
Huge bolders kept silent sentry like fabled
 of once magestic palace walls.
 Laying strewn around now, slippery with mosses and lichen,
Nature's arrangement artistically draped everything
into it's portrait of colorful mosaic shapes and textures. 

Everything in the forest was attending the feast...
worms, beetles, birds...mongeese. 
The forest was alive with birds. 
They flew
high above, in and out of the lofty boughs,
calling and teasing each other. 
It seemed
like a miracle to Harmony that she was
actually in such a lush paradice, after having grown
up in New York City slum apartments all her life. 

Little shrimps
skuttered under rocks, peering out apprehensively at her intrusiveness.  Harmony
laughed freely, like she did when
she'd been
a little girl.   She felt enchanted. 
She must be. 
How could she have come
to be there anyway? 
Her heart ached for
she could see the path
she and all of Humankind was on. 
She truly wanted to be part of the remedy. 
She was where she had to be now.
 She so needed this time to
figure out how to have
the courage to be real
and not a sellout,  
just to be accepted and loved. 
That attitude didn't make her socially palatable,
nor did she care to be...if being heartless and
having no conscience was part of the deal.   
If only she could keep her mouth shut!...
Harmony looked back from where they'd come in now. 
She could no longer see or hear the ocean. 
The deeper they went into the forest,
the more tropical it became. 
The forest had sounds of it's own...everywhere. 
She had a strange and eerie feeling about that forest. 
She had been there long ago.
 She had played there as a child growing up in Lemuria. 
 ...The hair went up on her arms and legs. 
So familiar, yet the images were vague. 
She could almost hear the children playing
by the stream. 
Again she held the little cup in her hands...
the cup from which all 12 Races of Mankind
grew up out of. 
"Tam-ram-rem" she whispered.... 
She was amused for a moment with her own fantasy
that Maji was not only Hokami, but he was also
Tam-ram-rem I, King of Atlantis, a lion of a man. 
First in his series,  he was of the Blue Race. 
She turned to him, but he wasn't there.  He was gone.
When she realized she'd lost sight of him, she quickly 
snapped out of her daydreaming.  
Maji was bounding ahead so fast she could
 hardly keep up with him. 
"Slow down,
" she gasped catching up with him. 
"Why? Don't you want to get there before dark?"
he replied drolly. Still inbetween the world Jzurlea knew
and the world Harmony lived in, the words got lost
before she could find and form them in her mind. 
She stared blankly at him, distracted  by a faint  voice
inside her calling her back to her fantasy. 
  "Sure I do, but the forest is so gorgeous at dusk" she 
thought.  "Why is he rushing?"
"You are really tripping today, ha ha..."
he remarked before bounding over the rocks. 
Maji turned over his shoulder briefly to say ,
"We're almost there.  Come on!" and then
disappeared into the
foliage again. 

There was no trail really.  They just followed the stream. 
It got smaller and smaller the deeper into the
forest they went.
Along the sides of the gulch were sloping banks.   
A stand of giant elephant ears grew there. 
She stopped again to catch
her breath, and to touch
just for a moment the splendidness of their being. 
The elephant
ears with their distinct paisley
shaped leaves, bolted from the forest floor in a
rich spectacle
of greens and browns. 
She ran her palms
over the smooth surfaces of their
enormous leaves.  They reminded her of her
own body, smooth, satiny and alive. 
This sameness united them  and
sent a thrill of
anticipation through her whole being. 
Their pulses were in-sync; they were communicating. 
both, she and these plants she was handling,
had a
longing to be liberated from form...
to just
escape all forms. 
She wanted to express something from within
herself but didn't
know what it was. 
To be rooted or not to be rooted...
that was the question. 
When the leaf trembled, she trembled. 
She could feel a
pulse.  It was like a wave
of tenderness and responsiveness. 
It came up into the leaf
and passed into
her palms and arms, all the
way to her heart. 
It was a true moment of intimacy between
beings of different species. 

The soul was the same...  
always present, watching...feeling. 
They stood embracing as
 she strained to hear the melody
of the
music that was ringing everywhere, muffled;
it seemed to be coming from within her too. 
It knew not form.  It was all forms...and it
was hard to find and hold, because it was eternally
intrinsically formless. 
It was just a thought in her mind. 
Just a reflection of Nature Itself....
wholly one and wholly many. 
It cradled all It's living beings,
mercifully stuffing
every form with It's Life Essense; 
infinitely expressing It's nectar and sap through us.

She could hear Maji calling her from afar. 
Quickly she withdrew from the tangly maze

She was running
now, calling him, afraid all of a sudden. 
The forest was big, immense...and
was opening it's parlor for the evening. 
"Where did you go?" she cried aloud frantically. 
Suddenly she was alone.  She felt the
coldness hanging on her hair and back. 
"Maji....Maji...wait for me" 
But he didn't answer.

When she came to the fork she stopped running, 
and sat on big round boulder that marked where
the river separated back into two streams. 
They both went underground at this point.
The right one surfaced above the highway.
The left led to a series of step waterfalls
that surfaced a short way through the tangled jungle.
There was no trail.  No one walked that way anymore.
It was a good hike and the waterfalls were hard to get to.
Tourists preferred to drive and park near where they
wanted to go.  The mosquitos alone were enough
to deter any hardy hiker.  But they had no interest
in Harmony's blood.  Not salty enough maybe.
Maybe they'd had enough.  They loved Maji.

Harmony listened to the sounds of the forest as she sat
lingering on the big rock where the stream forked
and moved underground...
even as the waters of
her own mind sought to do. 
"Did he recognize the boulder at the fork,
or did he just keep going right
she thought peering into the
darkness in both directions. 
"If he missed it, he'll turn back.  I better wait here for him."

Rationally she knew there was no reason to be afraid.
Why then was she trembling?
  Was this whole soul-searching
experience getting
on her nerves...back and forth, in and out....
she just wanted to go home now and check on Gongi. 
She knew it was getting late, but was
the same day, or the next?  How would she
ever get home? She held her head in her hands
and began to weep.  Overhead, mynah birds
chattered and scolded each other for a branch...
or were they laughing at her?

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Chapter 7, page 7

Chapter 6, page 14