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USA Transits for:  May 2, 2007

This Full Moon we need to check our egos
at the door.   We're in danger of blowing
things out of proportion, and then
when they backfire, we're mystified.
With Transiting Jupiter r. in opposition
to our 1st House talkative Mars in Gemini,
and square our 5th House Neptune r in Virgo
ready to go Nuclear, we need to step back
and access the damage before leaping
ahead toward more catastrophy.
Transiting Venus is also square our Neptune r.,
extending the chance for us to be
compassionate and create beauty
and spiritual enlightenment.
She wants us to use her ardent energy
purposefully and not just to satisfy desire.
Desire to Lord over others.  Desire to kill...
However, the test of patience and Aloha
is at hand with Transiting Uranus and Mars
in Pisces, squaring our Natal
aforementioned Mars.
Mars square Mars with Uranus can become
explosive and unpredictable.
The war goes on.  Tragedies increase.
Gather your thoughts and feelings now
and expand the exponential to include
room for all of them to communicate clearly.
And remember that Logic without Compassion
becomes desperate measures to acheive ends.
Neptune sinister conjunct our Moon in Aquarius
trines our Natal Mars, willing to rectifiy
greivances thru understanding and humility.
First we have to admit when we're wrong,
and try to repair the injured.
Our greatest sin may very well be
self righteousness that is ruthless
in it's demands, while failing to live up to
it's own standards.  What good are guidelines
of behavior if, when called upon to
apply them, thereby proving their value,
we instead ignore them.
Compounding our challenge to be decent
and generous of spirit,
Transiting Uranus and Mars in Pisces
oppose our Natal Neptune r. in Virgo.
This is havoc and could escalate
either way.  It's a back breaker.
We do have assistance from the Universe
at this troubling time, and it is
that this Transiting Uranus/Mars conjunction,
has just come into trine aspect with our
Natal Mercury r. in Cancer.
Now this Mercury r. is an emotional wreck.
The retrograde motion does expose us to
some depth of critical thinking, but emotions
boil to the surface easily, along with
self righteous indignation...and fearfulness.
At this time, Uranus, the planet of genius
along with Mars, that increases energy levels,
can sustain us thruout the squares.
We need to stay calm and focused
because the age old fantasy of Humankind
to dominate the whole planet by
force of will, could play out now.
Let's not go there.  We don't have to.
All energy is in tandam with it's opposite.
We never have to give in to insanity.
We can remain civilized and prove it
by the profoundly thoughtful decisions
we come to make.
Always believe in the positive and look for it.
Don't give in to the primitive animal within.
Transiting Saturn in Leo sextiles our
Natal Mars, helping us stay cool and deliberative.
In opposition to our Natal Moon,
Transiting Saturn carries a moodiness
that becomes emotionally sidetracked.
It's a sad time.  So many wounded,
not just from war but from an environment
that is becoming increasingly infected
and unsuitable for life.
The Ancients warned us, that man
is only a Guardian here,
and that the power of our thoughts and dreams
helps keep everything running smoothly.
Dream the world the way you want it,
and you will find ways in your waking hours,
to help bring that world about,
creatively and peacefully.
Have Faith and Courage

USA Transits for: April 2, 2007

This Full Moon in Libra holds many challenges for us thru a Grand Cardinal Square (red lines--90 degree separation between planets).  As there are a few other squares besides the Grand Square,  

I will go into these first:

Transiting Uranus and Mercury are conjunct in Pisces in our 11th House of Friends and Allies.  These two planets square our First House Mars in Gemini.  When Mercury squares Mars, we are less patientand understanding and may have a little blow up.

But Mercury passes quickly, and the lessons are often minimized.  But Uranus passes slowly,  raking the coals of our hidden discontentment, and when we do erupt, sweeping changes are likely to occur.

Preceeding Uranus blowups, we display erratic behavior, as if our sense of personal security has been violated.  We become impulsive and make rash decisions, the consequences of which are long term and follow us into the future.

That's why, with this square, we have to, as Individuals and as a Nation, be very temperate now. If we don't feel secure in our actions or in the actions of our Political Representatives, then this square benefits our efforts to create change.

But Mars has a ruthless streak, and we would do better to apply Venus' methods of compassion, patience and soccurance, adding Mars' firmness.

At this time, Venus in stubborn Taurus squares our Aquarian Moon.  We don't feel so sweet at this time, nor do we feel like showing mercy.

Venus will pass quickly, but it is the First Full Moon of Spring, and sets the attitude for the year that most likely will prevail.  The twig grows the way it bends.  It we are apathetic to fair play, and try to maintain control over others, we wont make new friends, and will lose the ones we already have. Furthermore, if we consider thugs our friends, we'll wake up one day and realize, thugs are no one's friend.  They are indeed, their own Soul's worst enemy.

We all have a Great Spirit living deep within each oneof us.  It's our duty to find that Soul, and tend it...learn from it, gather courage and clear vision from it. We cannot ignore it, for It is with us thruout this Eternity.

We have to learn to recognize it in others, even in our so-called enemies, who would be our friends, if there was a way to deeply communicate with us, without feeling degraded and rejected in some way.  We have to look at the real issues, and deal with them honestly...and with compassion.

Another troublesome square we have to reckon with at this time, is Transiting Jupiter retrograde in our 7th House of Partnerships, squaring our Natal Neptune retrograde in Virgo (please refer to the Natal Chart discussion of Qualities and Aspects)

This aspect is a two edged sword for us, considering that Neptune r. in our 5th House of Creativity in Virgo, signifies nuclear weapons.  It's very important to use this challenging aspect for the highest good, because Jupiter's Nature, is to do good and be a Peace Maker.

Our Political Leaders are being challenged right now to demonstrate their ideas and ideals are relavent and practical. That they're not pipe dreams.

War is NOT inevitable, when you have sane, rational and compassionate leaders willing to evaluate the crisis intelligently  and compromise in a Spirit of Peace.

That means compromise on all sides.  (No empiracal dynasty to lord over us.)  Their superlative grasp of reality and their ability to translate American ideals into action, for the benefit of all Nations, we have a chance now to witness and support.

However, the pitfall here with Jupiter and Neptune embracing, is that leaders whose ability to dazzle us with their rhetoric may not translate into solutions that help us rize above economic and international disintegration.  Anyone can use the dictionary to find words.  So pay attention, and vote...before the candle burns out of wick. Don't be swayed by false  propaganda. Know what the issues are facing Humanity, and exercise your privlege in a Nation where Democracy is the Crowning Jewel of Civilization.  This is a test.

The influence of Jupiter r is intensified by it being in opposition to our treasured 1st House Mars in Gemini.  This position of Mars make us communicators and leaders.  Jupiter explodes this potential and we can be too full of ourselves at times. This is one of those times.

Now alot of good can come of this steadfastedness, unless it becomes frantic to accomplish it's goals.  We must remain steady and sober now politically if we hope to restore the Environment and it's living beings. This Jupiter r./Mars/Neptune alignment, could easily leave the Earth in a pile of rubble. We have to "feel" our way.

We're all naked and alone, shivering in darkness until the Light of our Soul, Mind and Heart illuminate our way. So pray that we can arrive at enlightenment, as Individuals, as a Society, as a Nation, as a Friend of all Nations, Living Beings and the Environment. This Mars with Transiting Jupiter r., can do this, of course, unless we're unconcious,  We realize that.

Natally we have Mercury retrograde in Cancer, which gives us an extremely emotional and receptive mind as a People. We have been very very proud of our National Image in the recent past, and easilly hurt, we have been known to  let our emotions out and strike back senselessly, like after 9/11. Cancer is not a stable position for the mind, and being retrograde, can be deceitful if not scrupulously honest with one's self. If we want a Police State, then we should continue as we have.

But if we want the freedom to exercise our values and enjoy freedom, then why do we have to have so many Police and so much violent crime. This is not a normal human condition.  We know that from other societies, who  have exported their peaceful, creative cultures for all to appreciate.  For instance, Tibetians, Hopis, Scandanavians.  There are many many others. So we have a problem stemming from our emotionally insecure mindset.

But this mind is good for delving deeply into the psyche due to the retrograde nature. The emotional Cancer part of us, is productive and researching what's complicating us emotionally.  It's how we apply the Life Force with the tools we're given, once we understand our responsibility to others, and to ourselves.

Transiting Saturn r. in our 4th House ruled by Leo is in opposition now to our 10th House Aquarian Moon.  We're stumped. All the good we try to do, gets jumbled up in the way we try to do it.  So Saturn hangs over us like a dark cloud ready to unleash it's deluge. We feel sad, but not defeated. Just dormant, waiting....hoping.

It's not enough. Saturn demands work, effort, research before renovation.  It feels a little discouraging that we can't leap ahead yet to an unencumbered stage set for us.  We have to construct it ourselves first.  We have to know that this is the stage we're building.  All the dimensions, and braces.  It Spring, we buckling with squares, we are irritable and impatient for change.  But Saturn r. advizes us to look deeper for wholesome solutions for recombining elements of our lives.

Now we also have to be concerned about Transiting Mars inconjuncting our Natal Mercury r.  Mars wants to provoke Mercury. Observe it.

Transiting Jupiter r. also inconjuncts our Natal Mercury r. egging us on to follow Mars' blustery fire path. Observe it.

Use the energy intellegently to devine peaceful solutions.  Try to apply what insight you earn from your effort in understanding, to expression.

Inconjuntions are paths of adjustment.  How wise and considerate is our Universe, to provide a trine from Transiting Mars and Neptune to our 1st House Mars at this time in our Evolution.  Here we have the attributes invested in us, according to Cosmic Plan from Time Immemorial, that curb Mars' insatiable lust for Power and Fame.

Neptune refines Mars' energy with Consciousness, and all good things follow after that.  So we can rize to the occassion without ego tripping or power tripping, and even learn the art of compromize, with peoples who before we (wrongly) considered subserviant to us, and come along the path laboring, as all must, to bring the gifts of our Culture, for the benefit of all Humanity,

Now to the Grand Cardinal Square:

The Sun at 11 degrees of Aries and the Moon at 11 derees of Libra move quickly.  But on this day, they make heavy squares.

The Sun is squaring our 8th House Part of Fortune(that's the Arabic sign for the Moon's Ascendant).  The 8th House is the House of Death and Renewal.

The Transiting Moon also squares our Part of Fortune.  Then the Transiting Sun squares our Natal Sun.  The Transing Moon also squares our Natal Sun.  Thank the Universe and our Guardians that Pluto and Mars aren't the planets in opposition squaring our Sun and Part of Fortune.

We still have time to recover from our immaturity.  Still being the 1st Full Moon of Spring, the energy will continue to influence our sentiments and actions for the Solar Year. We locked up in a box.  How do we get out. How do we keep growing and hoping and having Faith.  How do we conquer our own demons.  How do we deal with each other's demons.

Our Destiny depends on how we come along the path.  It is not in arriving that we are appreciated most, but in our method of arriving that ignites the conscience of the World to appreciate Democracy as a way of Life.  Let the Sun make us resolute with each step we make.  Let the Moon open our heart to the suffering of all peoples, not just some. Our so called enemies suffer too.

Let us be aware of why people strike out against us and each other.  Let us learn to make friends again with those whose path is different from our own, but no less devout.  Our Government heals, but also needs healing.

Be aware and full of Love.

Love is all we really are and are meant to be here.

We are the product of our Mother and Father's Love for each other, and the product of the Universe and our Sun's creative union.

Let us as a People, be loving to each other again.





USA Transits for:  January 3, 2007

Well, this full moon has it's ups and downs.
Conjunct our emotional Cancer Sun,
it opposes our 8th House Part of Fortune,
stirring up feelings that make us
look deeper within ourselves
to understand and know the value of our legacy.
The transiting Sun in Capricorn,
in opposition to our Natal Cancer Sun,
conjuncts the Part of Fortune,
as does Mercury, reinforcing
the Moon's searching for meaning in the Self.
However, the Moon squares our
5th House Saturn in Libra,
as the transing Sun and Mercury
square our same Natal Saturn.
This creates a T-square which
evokes our values, destiny and creativity.
With Jupiter transiting our 7th House
and opposing our Gemini Ascendant
and Uranus, we can expect unexpected
opposition from partners internationally.
Benevolent Jupiter transiting in Saggitarius,
helps us expand our ability and willingness
to engage in real communications.
Mars in Sagg. opposes our Natal Mars
in Gemini challenging us to duel.
The three oppositions detailed above,
give us a real spin, and could injure us
if it were not for the sextile that
transiting Jupiter makes to our
Aquarius 10th House Moon; and
the trine it makes to our North Node in Leo.
Jupiter's benevolence is backed up
and supported by our primary intention
as a Nation, to be a source of
succorance and humanitarian aid
to the World, as we are.
Neptune is still conjunct our Aquarius Moon
and trines our 1st House Mars as well.
For more than 4 years now,
Neptune has obscurred our ability
to think and see and feel rationally.
We've plummeted into an emotional
tunnel of fear and have been
fighting our way out of this paper dragon
in Iraq, unable to realize the true reality.
Unable to see the path we should take,
we've given into our natural primitive mentality.
In the process, Neptune trining our Mars
has opened a gateway thru our ego psyche
that permits us to see our folly finally,
and we begin to have more of an appreciation
for the unknown, than a fear of it.
Uranus in Pisces, trines our Cancer Sun,
priming us for growth.  We can see
ourselves in a new light and we're
eager for change.
We're ready to put away old habits
that  turned out to be destructive
and immature.
Come what may...we feel ready for it now!
We can make changes now as a Nation,
that will benefit the whole world.
Will we do it?  I think so.
The planets are all in place for it,
and Jupiter sweetens the way.
Happy New Year!
Love and Aloha

Sealion Fish

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