It looks like things are lightening up a bit,
with opportunity to grow in patience
and understanding.
Pluto has been squaring our Natal Neptune r.
and opposing our Natal Mars for years.
Now it is moving on. This is still
a critical time though, for as it moves on,
by degree it's effect can be delayed,
until, it's too late to turn back and
reevaluate our methods.
That is when the possible whip lash effect
can occur.
We have plenty of opportunities at this time,
to reevaluate our methods.
The planets are encouraging us to do this.
Arrogance and power tripping
are not good tools for negotiating.
To achieve balance,
all parties must give up something
in an effort to show a willingness
to compromise.
Transiting Venus conjunct our Natal Neptune r.
trines our Natal Pluto r. softening
and preparing these powerful planets
(Neptune and Pluto)
to reconsider tactics and work together.
The Sun and New Moon (with Mars)
trines our Ascendant/Uranus conjunction.
These powers activate our National Personality
to find creative solutions.
The Sun, New Moon and Mars
also conjunct Saturn.
Saturn teaches us perseverence and patience.
That's just what the whole world needs now
in order to hear the grievances of
persecuted and underpriveleged Neighbors.
Mercury speeds past Saturn and trines
our Natal Mars, helping us
to energize thoughtfully, ways of moving
forward, peacefully respecting
each other.
Neptune still conjuncts our Moon,
and we may still be unsure of the direction
we're headed. This blurring of
reality and delusion has debilitated us
with poor judgement, fear of the unknown,
and crossing the line of decency
with regard to our taking advantage
of our privlege in blatantly violating the
terms of the Geneva Convention.
In doing so, we lost International credibility
as heros and guardians of the world's peoples.
This is Neptune conjunct the Moon in action.
Now our Natal Neptune r. is also trining
our Natal Mars. This 1st house Mars
in Gemini likes to communicate.
When bullies reign, pleas fall on deaf ears.
But Transiting Neptune r. conjunct our Moon,
opens Mars' eyes, ears and heart finally.
Thru the unsure environment Neptune r.
creates, disoriented and lost,
Mars finds ground thru the Neptune r. trine.
Humbled and willing to negotiate,
our National Martian identity
grows up and is able to take into account,
a greater reality, a greater truth,
than he can create alone.
Transiting Chiron trines our
Ascendant/Uranus conjunction.
The Wounded Healer, tends to our
injured ego, protecting it so it will
retain what lessons have been gleaned
from excess and irresponsible behavior.
Jupiter in Scorpio in our 6th House
of service and healing,
squares our Moon (and Mid-Heaven).
In fixed signs, as here, this square
can be powerful and long lasting,
stirring up feelings of extreme emotionalism
and self-righteousness.
It can be very favorable also,
as it stirs the emotions and annimates
the personality to express itself.
In that, it can be very healing to the psyche.
But one must listen also, and not
overpower and disregard the contribution
of others' feelings and points of view.
We have to know how to stop the train,
and let others embark and disembark.
We're very concerned about Justice,
and Jupiter square the Moon
gives us the means
to personalize and realize
how to go about insuring it.
In discussions we want to refrain from
becoming emotionally irate,
and rebalance our rational composure
with clear responses.
Benevolent Jupiter provides us with
the energy and awareness
to express ourselves with
Loving Reasonableness.
Rational Reasonableness doesn't get
us there. Always, we must apply
tender feelings to reason
to maintain the infinite balance.
Transiting Saturn assists Mars
thru sextile, restraining his flow
to grow in wisdom.
Transiting Venus sextiles our Mercury r.
clarifying her intoxicated nature
with reason. This and the trine to Pluto r. assist us in defining how we would like to
transform our National Image
and restore the world's confidence in us.
So I've saved the best news for last:
Transiting Uranus r. sextiles our Part of Fortune,
protecting us from the unpredictable
energies of Uranus.
But Uranus r. also trines our Natal Sun.
And this could be an exciting and creative
time for Americans, if we realize
that change is inevitable,
and use the opportunity to build
strong foundations for the future.
in a peaceful way.
Change connotes chaos,
but not if one is ready and willing for change.
Breaking old habits not only hard,
it's painful.
If we really are inspired to live up to our
potential, then one needs help.
We help ourselves by investigating
conditions and issues ourselves
instead of running to someone else
for the answers.
We can prepare for success and fulfillment,
when we maintain a path that
feeds the brain and the bones.
Keep your blood flowing and work out.
Be all you can be.
Let change be for the better.
Dream of Peace
and let the
Shine from within.