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UPDATE:  Dec 30, 2014
This book of poems is also available on
Barnes & Noble as part of a compilation entitled
3 Poetry Books in 1, vol III, in ebook format.
Here's the link to my ebooks on
Barnes & Noble:

If you'd like to listen to the poems, click the link
on the left of and above each poem.


                                                                  "Big Fish in the Sky with Crab"
                                                                          Kam II Beach State Park
                                                                            Kihei, Maui, Hawaii
                                                                                   c 1998 yfr


Intro for Virtue




             Cover WATERCOLOR: Big Fish in Sky w/Crab

                                                    Kihei, Maui, Hawaii 1998

                1 Title Page

                2 Index

                3 Virtue

                4 Consciousness Unending, IV

                5 Life's About You....

                6 We Grow the Fruit....

                7 In This Valley

                8 WATERCOLOR: Sanctuary, Kanaha Beach

                                               Kahului, Maui, Hawaii 1996

                9 How Did They Deceive Me?

             10 Disenchanted  
             11 The Deafening

             12 God Sees.....

             13 Author's Biography


          Cover WATERCOLOR: Hills of Hanamanu

                                                 Hanamanu, Maui, Hi 1997






How can the clinging fruit turn sweet,

Upon the withered bough?

How can this puny creature, man...

Absorbed in self....reach grandeur?

The mind rewards itself enough;

While the unrestored, evaporates.

It is thru Faith we reach to find...

The texture, Love, engrained upon our soul,

For all of time...


So when, the mortal mind, surviving joy and pain,

Gives up this morbid struggle to be queen...or king...

The fearful pride that brought us to this world,

And held us by the longer means a thing.

For now, when the mind at rest unfolds,

The blessed, nurturing nectar grows,

Allows an opening...and, at last, we are shown...

That the Seeds of Humanity, so long ago sown,

Conceal a destiny, we have yet to become.


Loving, intelligent Minds, those ancient caring souls,

Sustain my waning fabric spent....and bring me back

Again and again to wholeness....if only to know...

We all come from the Heart of the One.

We must bend, we must lend....we must

Try one more time to send...

Blessings without end, and

Just willing to be, a friend of true intent.


 We come to recognize the Self,

Essential to our Being...

To recognize that Self... so free, so real.

Unencumbered by ego's reign, It...

Is the secret urge the soul reveals

When time has spun and we have come

To the end of blame, of hatred, fear and shame.

Will we then accept our real Name?...


It is not thru force or trickery, we gain insight.

But by feeling our way alone, with only the Light,

Of our own heart's, compassionate knowledge

Of wrong and right. Virtue is given to man by God,

Let mankind then gain our God's delight,

By learning, then practicing virtue, day and night,

So that when time is taken away,

One still can recogize the balance.. and

Find again the Path, of the

Enlightened Human Way.






Conscousness Unending IV





How then do we find Time, conquering Space?

To be patient now, we learn to wait.

To work with Nature, to sweat and toil...

For the animal love, we hope will come calling.

With endless displays of virtue and grace

Finally deposited without name or face...

All in the soil before Time can erase,

Memories of lessons learned, and sacrifices made.

We leave it all here and return on the wave.

Return to the Sun, alive, unafraid.

Forgetting the Earth and the myraids of graves...

For we, like the Sun....are Consciousness..and will

Always....regain the day.


Life's About You!





Life's not about...

What you do....

What you make...

What you say...

Or what you're slick enough to take!


Let me tell ya...

Life's about you....

Who you are...

How you think....

What joy you bring...

What you become when you fake it...

To make it!

How do you feel, when you can't be real?

Is it really worth it?



We Grow the Fruit



We grow the fruit, not for ourselves alone,

But within the fabric of this physicality...

We can't really make it alone for long.


We're made for team work, sportsmanship and game.

We love to sacrifice for love's sake, glory is our name.

We'd rather give than take. We share all that we make

We're all born to be hero's... for each other.

Yet still, we love and....hate. We feel each other so keenly.... I dare... to question....

Why...are we even here?


Is there a purpose for all beings?

How can we know who we are,

When we can't even remember....

Where we've been?!

How many lifetimes does it take,

To learn to walk patiently and allow

The unadorned Truth to sink in.


When will it be time for me

To come forth, so I can share,

This blessed Self I've grown

As Nature's dearly...wrought;

The cornecopia, abundant and endowed...

Listen now....We are the reason for the Earth.

Know who you are! and have the courage after all,

To bear the gift of your fruit, original and pure;

The gift of Our Inspired Self, restored.


In This Valley




The tallest grasses cover me,

Drop their pollen on my breast.

In this tulle, eager, silent...

My tufted form is born to rest.


How faint the purple of the sky.

My head bent back upon the grasses.

I hear the whispers of the Earth...

Calling so deeply, from within me.


In this valley where my flesh sleeps

One can hear the flowers sing,

As they shed their Winter's garment,

And spread their petals into Spring.


Hulled, their color is a crayon

Melted from the hubris of their youth;

And whilst I sleep within them rooted,

My soul doth leap from pool to pool...


I too, am a child of Being.



                                                          Kanaha Beach State Park
                                                              Kahului, Maui, Hawaii
                                                                      c 1997 yfr

How Did They Deceive Me!




How did they deceive me to be born again?

Into this world of pain;

Of insane humans set upon my ruin?

What did God gain?....

To throw me back to earth again?

Did I go willingly?

I don't remember now!


But I know this: They placed me

In a cruel womb that spit me out!

They put me in a country that

Made me feel like useless snot!

They lured me with the hope that I could be,

The heroine of my secret fantasy.
They lied! 
They mock me now.

They do not answer when I call.

I look everywhere for eyes....

That know the inside Truth...

But we have lost the Ancient Mind,

That we were borne with.
The Ancient Mind, it was our privilege,
To protect and grow.




Disenchanted, at last knowing

You are looking from the far shore

And do not see the Tree

Where friends gather to support equality.

Self-righteously arrogant

Egotistically calculating, coldly,

Prancing lightly about in green eyes...

Deluding fools, breaking all the rules...

Of analytically, not really caring.


Blindly wielding misguided power, unscathed.

Why thrust the arrow deeper in the wound?

Have you no sense of right and wrong?

Why let the catastrophy grow untamed.

The helpless watch in loathsome rage

Dismayed, and crawling carefully away...

In safety crouch and this the one

Who won his way... into our hearts?!


Disenchanted by deceptive deceivers

Who evaluate with disdain...

In suedo overtones so beguiling,

Disregarding fairness.

Expecting one to disclaim their right,

As true human beings and siblings.

The broken enemy is...our self.


Disenchanted with boasters
Who don't bolster others.

Waiting now to bare my wounded heart.

Offering the happy truth that all is really one

And we cannot now or torn apart...

Even though you don't care,

Your love undone, is not expunged,

From the Kingdom of our Blessed Sun.


Disenchanted, I am regaining,...sweet designs...

Pain, pressed thru blissful being to find.

Sipping silently now, the nectar in my heart,

Heavy with Love's pollen, I float alone but not apart.

So full the cup, all living beings partake of,

When giving up....pretentious pride...

To treat each other right, and share the Light....

In this loving, Kingdom of the Sun.



The Deafening




The deafening silence of mindlessness,

The boastful cheaters exiting Paradice

Their minds of clay, are split and drying

Yet they are still denying,

Still persist in lying...and the abused...

Still crying....


The tears like drumbeats hit hard

Upon the heart of man. But makes no song.

The innocent believe, the faithful wait.....

The massacred sleep...and I...

I sit here restraining rage....

Watching the inevitable transpire.


Writhing in fearful anticipation,

I am suffocating in this atmosphere.

This Life takes so much courage...

I can't understand it.

How do I stop the weeping...

How do I regain the "feeling"

Of lovingness, so natural before.

Now, I pray to keep my sanity...


As I must endure...this long night unsure,

'Til Dawn, opens the door....and I go forth.

Knowing this life, is just a weaving

On the quantum loom, of eternal Being...

Self assembling Its Self, thru warp and woof...

In the unseen hand the bobbin unspools,

Laying in designs, as the Universe approves.




God Sees...




God sees our thoughts before we speak,

Knows our efforts, strong and weak,

Feels our joy, our pain...our Faith;

God lets us reap our own reward.


The Guardian knows our heart, and brings...

Refreshment with It's gift of Song...

I have no qualms in going Home...

I eagerly await the warm embrace....


Again to see, the divinely Splendid Face,

That Friend that I have always known,

Alive and breathing through all things....and forms;

Allowing me the right to be.


The Guardian is alive in me...cannot depart.

And when I leave this dreary earth...I go...

Directly to Their Loving, Sacred Heart.






Artist's Bio


Artist's Bio


                                                                   "Hills of Hanamanu"
                                                             Hanamanu Beach State Park
                                                                  Nahiko, Maui, Hawaii
                                                                            c 1997 yfr


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