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UPDATE: SEPT 2, 2014 
Book epublished a second book of my poems. 
It's a compilation of three of my small poetry books. 
I call it: "3 Poetry Books in 1"
and its a collection of poems
from the 3 poetry books entitled: 
In Every Heartbeat and
We Are the Nectar. 
It's up on Barnes & Noble now.  Take a peak.
Here's the link :

UPDATE: December 24, 2013: Just remastered all audio files because they had so much background noise.  I hope you'll listen to them now while you read the texts to each poem.  The audio links are above each poem.  The Introduction is above the Index page. This book and all my poetry books will be available soon as eBooks.  Each eBook has an audio cd of me reciting each poem.

                  Have a happy & exciting New Year 2015


Paia, Maui, Hawaii
c 1997 yfr


Intro for Crysalis




I feel a tide coming forth...
Someone is calling me...
Out of my sleep....
Thru the filtered light the Self will know,
When it is time, for the Awakening.

It seems alone one drifts in the cocoon....
One does not think or know of flames....
One sleeps....cares not for worldly things.
The heart is
The mind....fragrant.....and then...
The Guardian is close,
Insisting....on the Chrysalis.
It must happen you know.
For one must come to believe....
in Miracles.

One must break thru, for wings must fly...
But I'm afraid and unresigned.
The tide is cold....
Could crush this fragile moth
on whose designs....
The Dance.....
becomes....a FLAME....
I would remain....
Forever unresolved.....

But when the moment comes
One must break through,
and born to light, receives...
The Angel's Wings.
No more the painful blinding sting...
When one is strong enough in Faith
to bring it thru.

For it is.... through inner devotion,
That the silent, genuine Self....
Dissolves and moves the tides,
opens the door....
and, Frees....
this eager Chrysalis.


Song for My Shining Brother, pt 2


I can't deny that you are here, saturating

Every dimension with your blessed grace,

Revealing merciful Fate's movements

To their inevitable spaces, unraveling...

The obvious obstacles and earned rewards. 

I am with you, within all places.
Where you flow....
I, seeking council, go...

Awakening through you, in undulating
Waves o
f patterns ingrained...alive and feeling.

We are moving freely, together....everywhere...

We, in harmonious ringing,
Simultaneously clear,

Unite in truth and fantasy, define...

The healing wholeness of
So ancient a love we share.

Through your protective succorance...

allowing divination, the hidden ear,
Instantly, renders, all mysteries clear.

Can sextant or Captain's compass match

Such accuracy, to tell a truer truth than that...

Sustaining eye perceiving thru,

Illusion's vaporous facade....

Intact.....exact....expanding...It reveals,

The porousness that form has saved,

So those who read the signs, can be aware...

What secret motives, hearts,

clandestinely may bear.

The possibilities, so mysteriously unfolding,

We realize we are tended carefully
By Guardians, hoping

Our emerging perception,
Will in this lifetime be evoking,

The enlightened precious Soul to showing...

What is Peace, and what.... is perfect Loving.

The Goodness of God



What is the meaning of 
A life without challenge?

Painful though it is to grow up,
We can manage it!

How great the gift we will inherit,

When we learn the simple truth...

Then have the courage and faith,
to bear it.

For God, our friend,
Still waiting for our love,

Delights in every gift we offer up;

Will gather every soul...
Devoted to lovingness.

So beautiful is God,
  and such a friend,

Allowing us free will, and
All the time and space

We need to that at last,

We'll comprehend...that goodness...
So profound, unending....

Never learned from books,
or by pretending...

Known only by the presence of
It's Natural Essence, t
Through It's Perfect Love extending,

Affords...our menial mind and heart....
the chance....of rendering


                                                           "CLOUD SPINNER"  
                                                       Paia Bay, Maui,  Hawaii
                                                                 c 1997 yfr 




Mother, I remember you....

Venomous beast of the underworld...

Spouting untimely truths, to a world obese

And glutted already, with philosopher's volumes.

Yet you, a mere female, bravely plunged into your mind,

Bringing up the bouncing baby of pure wisdom.

The world was not ready yet, for such simple genuosity

Nor were you, in your false vanities engaged,

Able to present it with love....

Thereby defeating the purpose of your vision.

But these miserable times,

Have found a way to victory....thru caring...

While puffed egos, float meaninglessly away....

Only to dissolve in trite affections.

I didn't know then, what it would mean now....

And even though you walked a path that shamed me...

I truly honor you, oh Mother dear....a beacon in your day...

And I pray for you, even tho,

You never taught me to pray...

You hard assed bitch!

You didn't sit upon that bench for years in vain,

For you defined, in your authentic way,

For all the world to see.....

The path on which all souls are slain, and

I am wiser now than I would be,

No engenue perhaps, but an enlightened being,

So gratefully eclipsing though disenchantedly,

The shallow pits....

That in the hubris of her youth....

She grimly shared with me.

Unwed Mother's Pay



My sweetheart and I, took to the soil,

And in my garden, planted young

A tree whose bark was not yet formed,

And made a vow, while Spring looked on...

This is our tree, and in it grows,

A soul who yearns to learn of love;

As it grows, it's leaves will glisten

As it leans so hard to listen.

It will learn to love, loving it will grow,

Into a tree where blossoms handsome bend.

This is our vow!"

Eternity before us sought another end

For soon our tree it's blossoms bore,

And leaves became a shady home,

Where chairs, now rusty, sit alone.

My love has found another glen, and

Sentiment must seek a stable

Where it starved....begins to rot....and

Lays it's head, where yesterday forgets.

But still, our tree
With each year grows in strength

As it bends it's branches always closer

To the shutters of my windows, which remain....

In no one comes.

The Sun that once danced high across the sky,

Now seldom stops to smile it's beams....

Across the sagging breasts of floor....

My dreams within an oil lamp beg drying wick.

The shallow belly drains into a flame....

Soon curls,and dies....but no one comes....

To help Time, bury me....

Dream Vision


Reaching out, I am returning

Though not alone... but comforted

By my Shining Brother

Whose large starry back, and warm

Breezy voice, have guarded

This place for me.

Beckoning, He lets me wander

In His expansiveness,

Thru rooms that labyrinth out....

There, ancestors abide my madness.

I had been banging around,

Lost and longing for clarity...

I needed desperately to find
Some tangible proof...

I really am the ME I think I am.

Not some inconvenient truth...

Not a useless appendage tacked onto life...

I wanted to express the joy of living.....

Their vengeance was confusing...

I looked away refusing....

To believe their sabotage and lies.

Within the staggering emptiness,
I reached for healing....

Feeling bruised and bleeding....

But,... I am still alive!

Though mocked and blasphemed

My Faith is strong as a beam.

Inspired as the nectar exudes.

It's more fragrant than ever.

It inspires hope forever, for...

The individual grows,
more than fingers and toes,

As Ancestors reveal...
thru their echoes and dreams.....

What choices come within reach of the soul...

If I choose just for fun, trying not to stumble...

Arrogance will present the bill...

I'd much rather prove, that the real Truth so true...

Is, there's no greater life than this!

It's our attitude only, that makes and creates...

What Paradise, becomes and is.

Can We Arize....?


Can we arise to understand

What causes alienation in our land?

Can we perceive thru cloud and fog...

The network of our fibers wholly formed?

We are the earth Itself, and also

Can be borne!

One in spirit, heart and mind,

More than a species can define.

We are the earth and always one.

Conceived in a mind so great that none,

Can fathom, 'til...the flesh is dropped

And only clothed in Sun....

Then will we recognize at last

The Mansions of the Lord, Behold...

The layers of existence old

Define a decency encoded

In our immortal soul,

For we are not alone at all.

But lucient beings designed,
 and cared for always.

To see and hear all things, one must resolve,

To open up the heart and feel what's real.

The virtue of our human life is borne,

When we can put aside desire and power....

Now we let the heart take part in all decisions,

That present before the Halls of Natural Law.

We can, with kindness,
Show our feelings...can allow,

Free will to choose, once and for all....

To express the wholesome Humanity,

We are created for.

Where in the Hollowness...


Where in the hollowness do I reside?

Floating numbly with the tides....

The laughing leaves, wreathe in the breeze

I feel the calmness...soothing peace.

Alone, but not without a friend,

The Guardian stirs the gentle wind.

The sense of ages wafting new...

The child with FAITH, will see all through.

Artist's Bio



  c 1998 yfr


Music Videos
