Neptune r. conjunct our MidHeaven and Moon,
trines our Natal Saturn in Libra and
1st House Mars in Gemini.
Jupiter in Libra then trines our 1st House Mars
forming a Grand Trine in Air Signs.
We've been having Neptune trine Saturn and Mars
for some time now, forcing us to use our "energies"
on all levels, for good,
for benefiting all living beings on Earth.
Now with Jupiter trining Mars, a Grand Trine is formed,
infusing peaceful generousity,
which we are still capable of expressing now.
Jupiter further aids by trining the Moon.
Our National personality is focusing on benevolent ways
of dealing with difficult and painful conditions
that exist around the world.
Focusing on humanitarian ways of relieving suffering,
and providing opportunities for 3rd World countries
to become self-sufficient and prosperous,
even as we are. This will greatly reduce any need or desire
to make war on each other.
A happy Nation, doesn't make war on it's neighbors.
By considering the happiness of others,
we eliminate any need for meanness and retaliation.
Uranus in Pisces at 9 degrees forms a trine to our Natal Sun.
We awaken with insight and genius.
We know how to fix it.
However, we could provoke Uranus with
uncalled for arrogance.
Uranus in any aspect with the Sun is
volatile and unpredictable.
If we try to slide, Uranus could back fire on us
and just make us more vulnerable to attack.
The key to dissolution of risk,
is to honestly learn what the Universe expects of us
in the way that we treat each other and the environment.
Callous disregard can no longer be tolerated by anyone,
and our Earth, certainly cannot sustain much more abuse.
We only get back what we put in.
Protect the environment and people's way of life,
and we restore balance and harmony;
Continue to allow emissions to polute the air, water and land,
and we will pay dearly for it...
and if they will our children pay
for our carelessness.
Saturn, Lord of Karma, is in it's detriment in Leo.
Mercury is in it's fall in Leo.
Mercury is critical at 9 degrees, Saturn at 4.
Judgement can be off because of pride.
The mind becomes billigerant and inflexible.
Saturn comes up behind it with a self-righteousness
that makes others lose respect for us.
Our Moon's North Node is 7 degrees of Leo.
We really want to do good, and have
alot of showmanship that goes along with that.
With Saturn and Mercury conjunct our North Node
and in opposition to our MidHeaven (and Moon),
We want to make plans and organize.
As long as we are wholistic in our thinking,
we wont get in trouble.
But the opposition to the Moon (Mercury's)
dulls the mind's brightness.
It doesn't help that Neptune is conjuncting the Moon too.
Our thinking can be unclear for this reason,
focusing too much on the subjective.
Saturn however, which usually backs Mercury up
by intensifing and broadening the intellect,
can be diabolical in Leo.
It's is in an extremely important position in our National Chart,
because Saturn has reached the Midnight position.
It's about to come up again, transiting through
the 4th, 5th, 6th etc. houses on it's way up
to our Aquarius MidHeaven.
But now is a low point in our National evolution.
We hear alot of talk about Doomsday.
As long as we don't blow up the planet,
or kill everything off from overloading
the atmosphere, we'll be fine.
Life will go on as it always has,
with or without us.
Free Will and Liberty are responsibilities we all appreciate.
Saturn defines these gifts.
We define our degree of evolution by the way we apply them.
Now we're pretty peaved. Mars transiting at 12 degree Taurus
is square our Moon (personality) in Aquarius.
We're feeling bull headed and want to push forward
whatever the cost.
This will last about a week. Then Mars conjuncts
our Gemini Ascendant and Uranus.
This could set off explosive behavior nationally.
Uranus has been squaring our Ascendant and Natal Uranus
for about a year now.
When Mars conjuncts our Asc/Mars next year,
there could be fiercer fighting than we have known.
Mars will go retrograde on Oct 1st this year
at 23 degrees Taurus.
On Dec 10th it goes direct again at 8 degrees Taurus.
This retrograde/direct action, prolongs the effects
of the square to the Moon.
Help move this powerful but juvenile Mars square Moon
into a positive channel thru righteous action and prayer.
Force and cruelty will provoke the worst results.
We have to be very careful from now and into next year,
how we use this challenge.
Our attitude could provoke a nuclear attack on us
(Pluto r. opposition Mars) if we are
unrelenting and uncompromising;
if we do not listen to the complaints of others.
We must desist from our "colonialist" mentality
once and for all.
No one owns the earth.
No one can own another human being.
Reformation and Reconcillication is the path we must choose
to optimize the benefits this Mars square Moon
would afford us.
This is because of a combination of aspects.
Pluto r. is in opposition to our Natal Mars again,
provoking confrontation,
breaking down and rebuilding whatever needs attention.
Pluto r. also squares our Natal 5th House Neptune r. in Virgo.
Here in the house of creativity, Neptune r.
represents technology, namely nuclear weapons.
We have a great desire to employ them with Pluto r. squaring.
The atmosphere is mean and perverse.
Can we change the downhill spiral in time
to recover our senses?
Of course. How?
By defending the righteous use of all energies,
by standing up for the earth and honoring
our commitment to her, to respect her pristine nature.
Here is where we need to stand strong and not compromise,
instead of showing our insecurity by not compromising
our position based on ego and greed,
let us stand strong on the "real" issues.
Man's inhumanitty to man and the environment.
Even Venus rears a scowling face by squaring
our Natal Venus, Jupiter and the Sun.
So expect to witness a "chip on the shoulder" attitude
in yourself and other Americans for another week or so.
Mars does trine our 8th House Part of Fortune,
so I would guess that tempers may flare,
but when Venus conjuncts our Natal Saturn in a few days,
we'll get our priorities straight,
and be more pleasant to ourselves, neighbors
and the world community.
The Neptune r. to Natal Mars trine does make an effort
to humble us in regards to our own National image,
which is suffering at this time;
suffering from loss of loved ones,
wounded still from 9/11;
unclear as to the direction this war is taking us.
We have to learn the lessons to get through this time.
The lesson is just: care for one another.
The lesson is: we are our brother's keeper afterall.
The lesson is: we are Guardians of our planet too.
Don't be frustrated because we're unplacated.
Reach for the stars. A new time is dawning.
The time children from the beginning of time
have believed in.
A time of peace on earth.
A time of true justice.
A time of worldwide prosperty for all.
A time of returning to love.
Reject war and return to negotiations.