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USA.Transits for: September 17, 2005


Uranus r. square our Ascendant and Natal Uranus
has had a very disruptive effect on America
thru the catastrophy of Katrina.
It challenges the foundations upon which our lives are built.
These challenges are reflected in surprizing events
that upset our way of living causing sudden separations.
Although Uranus r. squares our Ascendant and Natal Uranus,
it also trines our Jupiter and Sun.
Transiting Venus in Scorpio also trines our
Jupiter and Sun.
These two trines protect us from annilation,
and therefore balance the effects of the Uranus square
and the Saturn opposition.
Transiting Saturn has reached a low point in our 3rd House.
When it goes into our 4th House (in a few months)
it will be a turning point for us,
for then Saturn will be moving toward the Mid-Heaven.
That's the Noon position where sucess is accomplished.
Now it is at the Midnight of our chart,
and our economy certainly reflects that.
But the planets move, and we too move with them.
But still we have to reach hard to rebuild our lives.
Saturn makes us work.  But work is good.
That way, we are more appreciative fo our good fortune.
Complacency gets us no where.
Our combined efforts will make democracy real
in our lives.  Not just rhetoric.
In conjuncting the Nadar (Midnight)
we come into opposition with the Mid-Heaven (Noon).
This is an extremely important time in our development.
We have to pay close attention to developing
a foundation that is solid.
Exercise your right to vote.  But know first
what you're voting for.
We don't need ediots in office.
We need mature, concerned leaders,
who don't rely on their charisma to pass policies,
  who know what's wrong,
and are dedicated to fixing it.
And it's not all about money.
It's really about the way we treat each other.
Pluto r. still squares our Natal Neptune r.
in our 5th House, extending the possibility
of more conflicts in Iraq.
By next year, it will have moved on finally.
Didn't put it in the chart (my error) this time,
but Pluto r. is still in opposition to our Natal Mars
in the 1st House.
These are really troubling aspects from Pluto r.
and connote great tensions and the
continued possibility of serious flare-ups.
Now by Transit, Mars in Taurus trines our Natal Pluto r.
in Capricorn. This can have the effect of
 facilitating more conflicts
as our Natal Mars squares our Natal Neptune r.
Remember Neptune represents weapons,
especially nuclear weapons.
We already have a situation built in
that predesposes us to conflicts and use of weapons. 
However, when we see
the error of our ways,
this transit can actually help us resolve
to use technology for the benefit of living beings.
Thru the potency of Transiting Mars in Taurus, 
we are able to rebuild our sensibilities
and understand our responsibility to each other
as citizens of this great and beautiful planet.
  Neptune humbles Mars with it's gift of
 compassion and soulful insightedness.
We have 3 Grand Trines now,
and many sextiles.  All very protective.
When we "feel" the Truth,
let us respond to it in ways that help us grow as a people.
If we make no effort to move forward
with the help of the trines,
we'll just backslide and leave ourselves open
and vulnerable to the contempt of others,
who may think we've degenerated to a disgusting degree,
and would further ruin us.
Our economy is ruined because we're borrowing
faster than rain falls to support our war interests,
leaving us unprepared on the home front
for emergencies.
We no longer have a thriving economy
and it is our children that will have to repay these debts.
Don't be afraid to vote for an intellegent person.
And let this be a lesson to us, that
a person who has abused themselves
with cocaine and alcohol
to the extent that Mr. Bush did,
doesn't have the brain cells left to deal with the issues.
Loss of intellect.
Remember this....and learn from it.
We may think we're putting on a good show,
but if we don't have the talent to sing,
it's better to leave the stage
than insult your audience.
So have faith in living clean lives.
Eat clean foods and keep your heart clean.
Tell the truth, and appreciate the good others do for you.
America has alot of bad karma
because of how people of color have been treated
(Africans, Native Americans, Chinese, Japanese
etc etc. the list is endless)
The only way to turn it around is to do all the good
for all the people that we can!
We went to Iraq instead of Darfur where
innocent people were being masacered
by their neighbors.
We made a big mistake in going to war,
when we could have saved the people
by bringing in protection and humanitarian aid.
We neglected our duty.
If we consider ourselves a world power,
we need to be true friends in need,
and not give in to becoming terrorists ourselves.
It's seldom the people, and usually
our leaders who are too self concerned (and conceited)
and pre-occupied with whatever
that are unable to negotiate with other world leaders fairly.
Only if they kiss our hand appropriately,
do we extend benefits.
We can't clone the whole world in our image,
without destroying the value of life and living free.
What is freedom, if we have to cow-tow
to the values of someone else.
That is still slavery folks
Democracy is a great thing,
but really it only works, when we work.
For the disabled, it's an abyss of no opportunity,
  social rejection...and deep poverty.
Although America was founded on an attitude
of "might makes right",
we need to move to the
 "right makes might" theory,
that if we are truly civilized, we wouldn't need
to force democracy on anyone,
because treating each other right,
makes us all mighty.
Isn't that what we're fighting for?:
A society in which all people are treated equally,
regardless of their bank account or lack of one.
I usually don't get political, when giving readings.
I thought it was appropriate this time.
I hope I haven't offended anyone,
even though, fortunately, one does have
the right in America,
to freedom of speech.

USA Transits for:  Aug 19, 2005


Neptune r. conjunct our MidHeaven and Moon,
trines our Natal Saturn in Libra and
1st House Mars in Gemini.
Jupiter in Libra then trines our 1st House Mars
forming a Grand Trine in Air Signs.
We've been having Neptune trine Saturn and Mars
for some time now, forcing us to use our "energies"
on all levels, for good,
for benefiting all living beings on Earth.
Now with Jupiter trining Mars, a Grand Trine is formed,
infusing peaceful generousity,
which we are still capable of expressing now.
Jupiter further aids by trining the Moon.
Our National personality is focusing on benevolent ways
of dealing with difficult and painful conditions
that exist around the world.
Focusing on humanitarian ways of relieving suffering,
and providing opportunities for 3rd World countries
to become self-sufficient and prosperous,
even as we are.  This will greatly reduce any need or desire
to make war on each other.
A happy Nation, doesn't make war on it's neighbors.
By considering the happiness of others,
we eliminate any need for meanness and retaliation.
Uranus in Pisces at 9 degrees forms a trine to our Natal Sun.
We awaken with insight and genius.
We know how to fix it.
However, we could provoke Uranus with
uncalled for arrogance.
Uranus in any aspect with the Sun is
volatile and unpredictable.
If we try to slide, Uranus could back fire on us
and just make us more vulnerable to attack.
The key to dissolution of risk,
is to honestly learn what the Universe expects of us
in the way that we treat each other and the environment.
Callous disregard can no longer be tolerated by anyone,
and our Earth, certainly cannot sustain much more abuse.
We only get back what we put in.
Protect the environment and people's way of life,
and we restore balance and harmony;
Continue to allow emissions to polute the air, water and land,
and we will pay dearly for it...
and if they will our children pay
for our carelessness.
Saturn, Lord of Karma, is in it's detriment in Leo.
Mercury is in it's fall in Leo.
Mercury is critical at 9 degrees, Saturn at 4.
Judgement can be off because of pride.
The mind  becomes billigerant and inflexible.
Saturn comes up behind it with a self-righteousness
that makes others lose respect for us.
Our Moon's North Node is 7 degrees of Leo.
We really want to do good, and have
alot of showmanship that goes along with that.
With Saturn and Mercury conjunct our North Node
and in opposition to our MidHeaven (and Moon),
We want to make plans and organize.
As long as we are wholistic in our thinking,
we wont get in trouble.
But the opposition to the Moon (Mercury's)
dulls the mind's brightness.
It doesn't help that Neptune is conjuncting the Moon too.
Our thinking can be unclear for this reason,
focusing too much on the subjective.
Saturn however, which usually backs Mercury up
by intensifing and broadening the intellect,
can be diabolical in Leo.
It's is in an extremely important position in our National Chart,
because Saturn has reached the Midnight position.
It's about to come up again, transiting through
 the 4th, 5th, 6th etc. houses on it's way up
to our Aquarius MidHeaven.
But now is a low point in our National evolution.
We hear alot of talk about Doomsday.
As long as we don't blow up the planet,
or kill everything off from overloading
the atmosphere, we'll be fine. 
Life will go on as it always has,
with or without us.
Free Will and Liberty are responsibilities we all appreciate.
Saturn defines these gifts.
We define our degree of evolution by the way we apply them.
Now we're pretty peaved.  Mars transiting at 12 degree Taurus
is square our Moon (personality) in Aquarius.
We're feeling bull headed and want to push forward
whatever the cost.
This will last about a week.  Then Mars conjuncts
our Gemini Ascendant and Uranus.
This could set off explosive behavior nationally.
Uranus has been squaring our Ascendant and Natal Uranus
for about a year now.
When Mars conjuncts our Asc/Mars next year,
there could be fiercer fighting than we have known.
Mars will go retrograde on Oct 1st this year
at 23 degrees Taurus.
On Dec 10th it goes direct again at 8 degrees Taurus.
This retrograde/direct action, prolongs the effects
of the square to the Moon.
Help move this powerful but juvenile Mars square Moon
into a positive channel thru righteous action and prayer.
Force and cruelty will provoke the worst results.
We have to be very careful from now and into next year,
how we use this challenge.
Our attitude could provoke a nuclear attack on us
(Pluto r. opposition Mars) if we are
unrelenting and uncompromising;
if we do not listen to the complaints of others.
We must desist from our "colonialist" mentality
once and for all.
No one owns the earth.
No one can own another human being.
Reformation and Reconcillication is the path we must choose
to optimize the benefits this Mars square Moon
would afford us.
This is because of a combination of aspects.
Pluto r. is in opposition to our Natal Mars again,
provoking confrontation,
breaking down and rebuilding whatever needs attention.
Pluto r. also squares our Natal 5th House Neptune r. in Virgo.
Here in the house of creativity, Neptune r.
represents technology, namely nuclear weapons.
We have a great desire to employ them with Pluto r. squaring.
The atmosphere is mean and perverse.
Can we change the downhill spiral in time
to recover our senses?
Of course.  How?
By defending the righteous use of all energies,
by standing up for the earth and honoring
our commitment to her, to respect her pristine nature.
Here is where we need to stand strong and not compromise,
instead of showing our insecurity by not compromising
our position based on ego and greed,
let us stand strong on the "real" issues.
Man's inhumanitty to man and the environment.
Even Venus rears a scowling face by squaring
our Natal Venus, Jupiter and the Sun.
So expect to witness a "chip on the shoulder" attitude
in yourself and other Americans for another week or so.
Mars does trine our 8th House Part of Fortune,
so I would guess that tempers may flare,
but when Venus conjuncts our Natal Saturn in a few days,
we'll get our priorities straight,
and be more pleasant to ourselves, neighbors
and the world community.
The Neptune r. to Natal Mars trine does make an effort
to humble us in regards to our own National image,
which is suffering at this time;
suffering from loss of loved ones,
wounded still from 9/11;
unclear as to the direction this war is taking us.
We have to learn the lessons to get through this time.
The lesson is just: care for one another.
The lesson is:  we are our brother's keeper afterall.
The lesson is: we are Guardians of our planet too.
Don't be frustrated because we're unplacated.
Reach for the stars.  A new time is dawning.
The time children from the beginning of time
have believed in.
A time of peace on earth.
A time of true justice.
A time of worldwide prosperty for all.
A time of returning to love.
Reject war and return to negotiations.

USA Transits for:  May 23, 2005


If Americans feel beseiged at this time, it is little wonder.
There are oppositions this full moon from all directions.
The Sun conjuncts our Ascendant and Uranus,
adding fleeting intensity to the ongoing unpredictable drama.
The Moon in opposition to our Ascendant
and Uranus, adds emotion to confusion.
Confusion because Neptune is conjuncting our Natal Moon,
leaving us unsure of the truth and ethics.
Pluto retrograde opposes our Natal Mars in sinister aspect.
It has gone beyond the opposition at 20 degrees,
and is called sinister because often the effects
of the aspect occur during this phase. 
By the end of August Pluto will go
stationery at 21 degrees.
As it is opposing Mars, it is a very volitile situation.
All things can be restored to goodness,
and the way we handle our affairs,
affects the outcome for everyone.
With Neptune conjunct the Moon, we are given
alot of time to reflect on our heart's intention.
Why do we choose the road of mass destruction,
when the road of peace and understanding awaits.
Our condition is partly due to the character of
our Moon's Node in Leo in the 3rd House.
Leo the Lion, is everyone's darling.
He's dramatic, affectionate, spontaneous.
No one has a problem with that.
It is the Willfullness of Leo that causes
resentments and misunderstandings.
In the 3rd House (ruled by Gemini),
our motives are very transparant
and not always well thought out. 
Gemini's are not known for long deliberations. 
That's refreshing.
But superficiality gets old and one
must get down  to the basics
of communicating without prejudice.
When Willfullness is scorned,
it becomes blindly aggressive.
And we have fallen into that trap unwittingly!
Pluto by retrograde this year, will continue
to square our natal Neptune retrograde.
As discussed before, Neptune
in the 5th House (Creativity) represents tecnology. 
Being retrograde it's scope is larger and greater
than it initially appears.
When we use our technology to hurt each other,
it can't be the path humans are meant to walk.
Humans are so gifted and blessed.
With Pluto squaring directly, twice this year,
our 5th House Neptune (r), we need
to hold our reins  with compassion
and vision for the future.
Though Nature forces us to move forward,
we still have choice that we can make.
Saturn conjuncting our Natal Mercury (r)
stabilizes our concentration and
helps us  to perceive what has been difficult for us
to understand before.
Saturn also is in opposition to our Natal Pluto (r)
and the chance to reform and refine
our understanding is at hand. 
This is further aided by transiting Pluto (r)
inconjuncting our Natal Mercury (r).
Mars squares Mars today. 
But our irritability will pass.
Our frustration lingers though with
transiting Jupiter (r) conjuncting Saturn.  Stagnation.
Jupiter (r) though trines our Ascendant and Uranus.
When we are able to move toward resolving our dilemnas,
good things and blessings will come.
But Jupiter (r) is also square our Part of Fortune.
on one side, and square our Sun on the other.
So we have to choose our path.
If we choose to forge blindly ahead creating more distress,
then the changes that occur, will be unpredictable
and not necessarily to our liking, because
the Universe will do what is good for us,
what will help us grow more soulful and human.
Neptune trines our Natal 1st House Mars.
That Mars helped forge a Nation, but gets us in trouble too.
In trine aspect to Neptune, it is humbled by circumstances
to reveal it's true nature.
Humble is not weak or meak. 
 Humble is respectful and sensitive. 
Now is our time to grow up as a Nation. 
We want to be the one's in charge of nuclear weapons.
We're fearful of other countries because
we don't want to give up our edge.
But our edge has an immoral presedent.
We must obliterate all nuclear weapons
so that not one country has access
to the knowledge of how to make them.
We need to rely more on diplomacy and mutual support.
We've gotten a bit big for our britches maybe.
Liberty doesn't mean we can be any way we want to be.
We still have to have reverence for life and
be nice to one another,
so we can someday live in Peace,
hopefully before we destroy our special planet.

USA Transits for:  August 30,2004


Here we see a continuation of the same disturbing aspects,
we've been seeing for several years now.
Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are our main protagonists
during this full moontime.
Pluto opposes Mars in a face to face stand off.
With Pluto squaring Neptune, we resort to combat.
Jupiter conjuncts Neptune escalating the possibilities
of warfare using weapons of modern technology.
Jupiter has gone past Neptune's degree
and therefore is called a "sinister" conjunction.
That means that Jupiter can deliver a whip lash effect
during this transit. It means "Be More Aware!"
Neptune conjuncts our Mid-Heaven and Moon in Aquarius,
befuddling our inner vision with delusions of illussions.
We are in a quandry.  Neptune trine Saturn
helps us put our best foot forward.
Uranus and the Moon square our Ascendant and Uranus.
Unexpected changes of Fate surprize us,
possibly in ways that please
as Uranus is also trining our Venus, Jupiter and Sun.
Uranus square Asc, Uranus is undermined briefly
by the transiting square from Mars and the Sun
which also square the Ascendant and Uranus.
To come out positively in (our) good favor,
we need to channel the huge flow of unpredictable energy
to some constructive end.
If we don't use the energy, it will use us and possibly trash us.
Praying for world peace can spend this energy up.
Each and everyone of us can do our part to carry this burden
by channeling it positively.
It's not always the straight-forward punch that gets us,
but the whip lash we don't see coming.
Mars wants to quarrel and fight.
Don't give in to stupidity.
Life is not beyond our control.
If we can read the signs,
we can provide release points
corresponding to the aspects at the time.
Sometimes all we can do is pray.
But also, everything we do today,
determines tomorrow.
So too, here, Americans need to pay attention.
Those that can also read the signs,
seeing this time of vulnerability,
may use it to our disadvantage and hurt us.
Knowing this, we can evaluate more deeply
what process we need to take
to arrive at the treshhold of peacefully resolving issues.
Jupiter trine Pluto gives us the energy boost to do just that.
It's our attitude and behavior that are so troublesome.
Our ancestors took liberties with defenseless natives
that we need not repeat nor perpetuate.
We need to make things right with the peoples of the world
whose lives and culture we have brutalized.
Time doesn't really heal these things,
because the ignorance only continues into the next generation.  We have to recognize
what it is about ourselves that others resent
and are willing to hurt us for.
We really can have a peaceful world.
Do what you can to make it so.
America is founded on a great premise...
when the double standard bigotry is removed.
I hope we all live long enough to see it.
I hope our children know how to maintain it.

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